David Bossie of Citizens United joins Steve Bannon to represent a group of senior Reagan and Bush Republicans who have sent a letter to Kevin McCarthy demanding that he remove Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the Republican conference in the U.S. House because of their support for the Democrat plot to destroy President Trump.
“This is a time we must stand together to get rid of Liz Cheney. She is running for re-election in Wyoming, which in a traditional election, she cannot win a Republican primary. However, I believe she’s going to do what Murkowski did up in Alaska, and pivot at the last minute as a martyr to run as an independent…. Remember, the Republican Party of Wyoming has already stripped her of being part of the Republican Party… If the [Wyoming GOP] is saying she is not one of us, what are we allowing her to be a part of the Republican conference?… We are going to put it to Kevin McCarthy to say, ‘You want to show leadership, you want to be speaker, you better deal with a problem that is at hand.’”
Bonus: Bossie and Bannon reminisce about how they started working together 15 years ago, and how they recognized Trump as a national force years before anyone else.