Legal Insurrection Coverage of Derek Chauvin Trial

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Follow Legal Insurrection‘s ongoing coverage of the Minnesota murder trial of Derek Chauvin, over the in-custody death of George Floyd. Attorney Andrew Branca for Law of Self Defense providing guest commentary and analysis of this trial for Legal Insurrection.

Chauvin Pre-Trial Day 1: 3d Degree Murder Throws Wrench Into Jury Selection Process

Chauvin Trial Day 1 Wrap-Up: Opening Arguments & Three State Witnesses

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Chauvin Trial Day 2 Wrap-Up: State Focused on Feelings, Judge Scolds Firefighter

Chauvin Trial Day 3 Wrap-Up: Floyd Was “High” with Foam Around His Mouth

Chauvin Trial BREAKING: “Mama” Was George Floyd’s Nickname For His Drug-Sharing Girlfriend

Chauvin Trial Day 4 Wrap-Up: Another Poor Day for Prosecution, Advantage Defense

Chauvin Trial Day 5 Wrap-Up: Poorly Informed Witnesses Provide State with Poorly Informed Opinions

Chauvin Trial Week One Analysis: State Offers Abbreviated Versions of Video Evidence

Chauvin Trial Day 6 Wrap-Up: Chief Says Neck Restraint Not Trained, But Does It Matter?

Chauvin Trial Day 7 Wrap-Up: a horrible day for the prosecution

Chauvin Trial Day 8 Wrap-Up: “I Ate Too Many Drugs” Video May Be Game-Changer

Chauvin Trial Day 9 Wrap-Up: Medical Experts Resuscitate Prosecution Case

LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 10 – Forensic Pathologist and Medical Examiner Day

Chauvin Trial Day 10 Wrap-Up: Defense Raises More Reasonable Doubt with State Witnesses

Derek Chauvin Trial – Prosecution Problems Ignored or Misrepresented In Mainstream Media

LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 11 – Has State Eliminated Reasonable Doubt As Case Nears End?

Chauvin Trial Day 11 Update – State’s Desperate Moves Reveal Vulnerabilities In Prosecution of Chauvin

LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 12 – Meet the Jury Instructions, Bring On The Defense Case

Chauvin Trial Day 12 Wrap-Up: Defense Use-of-Force Expert Witness Falls Short

LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 13 – BREAKING – Motion for Judgment of Acquittal Denied, Defense Case Continues

Chauvin Trial Day 13 Wrap-Up: Solid Day for Defense With Forensic Expert Witness

LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 14 – Defense Calls More Medical Experts As Trial Nears End

LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 14 – Defense Rests, Chauvin Will Not Testify, Asserts 5A

Chauvin Trial Day 14 Wrap-Up: Mistrial Narrowly Avoided, Closing Arguments Monday

Chauvin Trial: Jury has “a basis” to “find reasonable doubt here, but it’s not what I’m expecting”

Chauvin Trial Verdict Prediction (of Sorts): On legal merits alone, not guilty — but political dynamics drive injustice

LIVE Chauvin Trial Day 15: Closing Arguments and Jury Instructions

Chauvin Trial Judge: Rep. Maxine Waters’ threats may result in “this whole trial being overturned” on appeal


Chauvin Trial Going to Jury – Legal Insurrection Will Hold Post-Verdict Online Event (Date TBA)

Chauvin Trial: Jury has “a basis” to “find reasonable doubt here, but it’s not what I’m expecting”

About Attorney Andrew F. Branca

Attorney Andrew F. Branca’s legal practice has specialized exclusively in use-of-force law for thirty years.  Andrew provides use-of-force legal consultancy services to attorneys across the country, as well as near-daily use-of-force law insight, expertise, and education to lawyers and non-lawyers alike in the form of blog posts, video, and podcasts, through the Law of Self Defense Membership service.  If this kind of content is of interest to you, try out our two-week Membership trial for a mere 99 cents, with a 200% no-question- asked money-back guarantee, here:  Law of Self Defense Membership Trial.

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses