Let Them Choose
Let Them Breathe is a quickly growing group of over 60K parents founded by Sharon McKeeman who are advocating for choice in education and offering educational resources. Let Them Breathe has launched Let Them Choose and Let Them Learn initiatives.
Visit the Let Them Breath Website
Youth Deserve Choices
Let Them Breathe is a non-profit organization with over 30K caring parents involved. Let Them Breathe is pro-science, pro-safety, + pro-smiles and was founded by Sharon McKeeman in response to parents concerns about the effects of school closures and educational restrictions such as masking on students emotional, social, and academic well being.
Let Them Breathe has now launched a Let Them Choose initiative to advocate for choice in all aspects of education including school choice and choice surrounding the C19 V for students.
Every student has unique physical, mental, emotional, social, and academic needs. One type of education can not serve all families, but every family deserves equity. That is why choice is so important and why Let Them Breathe is devoted to advocating for every student to connect freely and meaningfully with their academic communities.
Sharon McKeeman
Founder – Let Them Breathe
Visit the Let Them Breath Website
The Woman Behind Let Them Breathe, The Fight Against School Mask Mandates
Petition Against Mask Mandate
Change.org petitions are not very effective because decision makers know people can easily participate who aren’t part of their constituency and repeat signatures. Our one-click campaign was prepared by our legal team and is based on our legal demand letter. It connects you by email, phone, and video with your state and local representatives to share your opinion. You can also collect signatures of neighbors who agree with it and submit to your school board. (SIGN Petition)
Visit the Let Them Breath Website
Mask Mandate Lawsuit
Find Out More About the Lawsuit to End Mask Mandates
LET THEM BREATHE and Reopen California Schools are suing the State to end mask mandates for all CA K-12 students
July 22, 2021 – Let Them Breathe and Reopen California Schools filed a joint lawsuit against the State of California challenging the state’s facial covering, asymptomatic testing, and close contact quarantine guidance for all K-12 schools.
Lawsuit to End Mask Mandates
Taking Legal Action
July 22, 2021 – Let Them Breathe and Reopen California Schools filed a joint lawsuit against the State of California challenging the state’s facial covering, asymptomatic testing, and close contact quarantine guidance for K-12 schools. Reopen California Schools and Let Them Breathe have been working in collaboration to advocate against the State’s erroneous school closures and arbitrary operating protocols.
Support the Efforts
LET THEM BREATHE is raising money for our lawsuit against the state to end student mask mandates. We have retained the same law firm that won against the state on school reopening, and have already raised substantial support, but this legal battle will not be inexpensive.
Emergency Hearing PR
Media Contacts:
Visit the Let Them Breath Website