Sunday Thoughts

Sunday Thoughts: “Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted” – Grievance Culture and Fake Victims Need Not Apply

Why are so many in Western culture identifying as victims? And why are others eager to feed into this grievance mentality by reinforcing it with virtue signaling?

Sunday Thoughts: Is an Unknown Toxic Relationship About to Explode?

Jill had always been in love with Steven. They had been together for a while now, and things were going great between them except that Steven had a dark side.
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Sunday Thoughts: Happy Easter – Does the Deep State Cabal Span Millennia?

Easter is one of the most important and holiest holidays for Christians worldwide. It's when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Sunday Thoughts: Polling Numbers Seem to Keep Surging for Satan Over God

In 2020, CBN reported from a Barna survey that Americans believed more in Satan than God. Only 51% believed in a God of the Bible, down from 73% back in 1991.

Sunday Thoughts: What Skills Could Determine Your Value? And Why Does It Matter?

Each person has unique talents, abilities, and experiences, and it’s challenging to make objective judgments about the value of each of these skills.

Sunday Thoughts: Does it Matter What Others Do in Their Own Bedrooms?

Are stable traditional families the foundation of a moral society? Are moral societies fundamental to having civil societies? Then it matters what you do in the bedroom.

Sunday Thoughts: A Paradox of Systemic Racism vs. Systemic Wokeism – What Can One Do?

Systemic racism refers to how racism is embedded within the structures and institutions of society, perpetuating inequalities and injustices across...

Sunday Thoughts: The Effects of “Fake News” Go Well Beyond Our Times Today

A significant number of Americans now express a lack of confidence in the "fake news" media, believing that many reports are unreliable or politically motivated.