Heroes & Survivors


Alabama’s ‘Sound of Freedom’: Former U.S. Navy SEAL Jared Hudson works to save human trafficking victims

"Sound of Freedom" has put a spotlight on the issue of human trafficking, and Navy SEAL Jared Hudson has a unique perspective on the subject of the film.

Video Playlist: Oliver North’s Real American Heroes

Oliver North has spent spent his life in company of heroes - first as a U.S. Marine and then as the host of War...
MAGA Business MAGA Business

Pearl Harbor Hero, Missing in Action for Decades, Gets Patriotic Homecoming in Kentucky

Three young men from Merry Oaks, Ky joined the U.S. Navy. One return home, two perished on the USS Oklahoma on Dec. 7, 1941, and remain MIA for almost 80 years.

‘Honor Your Hero’ Photo Essay Contest By The Epoch Times

Honor Your Hero #HonorYourHero To honor the heroes who have sacrificed their lives for America's freedom, The Epoch Times wants its...

Pulling Back the Curtain on the Unsung Heroes

Late last year, I was invited by a friend to come along for an official county visit to honor...

Veterans Speak About Memorial Day: ‘It’s Not About Us’

On Monday, May 31, Americans from sea to shining sea will observe Memorial Day. However, veterans are quick to remind...

Korean War Vet, 90, Honors Fallen Military Members

Robert Kohler, a 90-year-old Korean War veteran, is no stranger to honoring military heroes. He’s an avid long-distance runner who...

The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson

May is a beautiful month, but in Civil War history, it is also a sad one. The South lost...