A lifetime’s political and personal growth from ultra-liberal to conservative libertarian explored through the prism of ten years of American social upheaval via articles in M. Joseph Sheppard’s ‘A Point Of View’
Long time conservative guru presents a life of vignettes, woven into a thought provoking message. ~ Larry Schweikart
Think the headline really says it all. The book is a collection of works that outline a political thinker’s journey as an emotional moderate liberal to a thinking principle conservative. Considering the non-Obama, electoral decline of the Democratic Party since Barack Obama, it’s a journey that millions of Americans have taken. Whether you agree with it or not, it’s real and worth reading. The fact it’s Sheppard’s is a bonus. Highly recommend. ~ Richard Baris

The spirit of community pertains to Long Night’s Journey Into Day. M. Joseph Sheppard has been an online friend for years. His “A Point Of View” point of view has been a consistent supporter of things conservative. It’s great to see that has published an online collection of posts. I have done this myself, as has Stacy McCain, and a couple of other bloggers. These little vanity tomes are a fantastic way to remember what happened; a sort of public diary, if you will.
Sarah Palin aficionados will especially welcome this document, as Sheppard captures her major public acts in a chronological fashion. I’ve always admired her charisma (I guess the 2008 Northern Virginia rally appearance she made with Stacy’s cousin predated my blogging debut.) Given that I come from about the same stripe of Evangelical Christianity, I’ve both admired the lady, and understood that her priorities seem to have tended more toward family than public service of late.
Blogging is a in keeping with the American tradition. I’ve been mostly on hiatus while enjoying the two little ones. But the historical continuity from the Founders thumbing their noses at the British Parliament runs through to the modern Tea Party thumbing its nose at Progressivism. Ensuring that these boys are raised to understand that it’s in God, not Government we trust is key to protecting Liberty. And that’s what blogs in general, and Sheppard in particular, are all about. ~ Christopherk L. Smith
About the Author
M. Joseph Sheppard is a noted blogger, having correctly predicted Trump’s 2016 win,Twitter contributor and widely published author of articles at significant sites such as The Federalist, American Thinker, Big Data, Time Out UK and others, and is the author of two books. He was named by Newsmax as “One of five leading pundits.”

Articles on TheThinkingConservative.com By M. Joseph Sheppard