A male powerlifter who identifies as a woman just set a new world record—in women’s powerlifting.
In the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s (CPU) championships from Aug. 10 to Aug. 17, Anne Andres lifted 597.5 kilograms or 1317 pounds, according to advanced results.
This weight was at least 440 pounds more than the top-performing woman, SuJan Gill, lifted.
Mr. Andres, a 40-year-old, gender transitioned at 20 years old, after going through male puberty, according to an Instagram post.
“[I] didn’t touch a barbell in my entire life until seven years ago,” he said in the post. “In theory, I will be representing Canada at IPF Masters Worlds in October 2024. Unless I get hurt, I will win by a good margin.”
Mr. Andres attributes his record-breaking lifts to a strong training ethic, not strong hormones. He has always had deficient testosterone, he said in another post.
“My test [testosterone] is lower than almost every human on this planet,” he said. “It was low during puberty, it is non-existent now. These are the first tests you run as a transwoman to find out how much you need to suppress. Didn’t take much. So, not exactly valid.”
He added that he has gone through “menopause” three times.
Women’s Sports Gives Support
For the most part, women in Canadian powerlifting have supported his participation in the sport, he told The Epoch Times in an Instagram message.
At the North American Powerlifting Federation, women wore transgender flag socks to support him, Mr. Andres said.
“I highly recommend ignoring me entirely and focus on the women who I have been allowed to share the platform with,” Mr. Andres said. “My opinion is worthless. The women who want me there are the ones who matter.”
Ms. Gill, who got second place, agreed.
“My view is that everyone is forgetting that Anne Andres is a human being with emotions, and a desire to be accepted, as we all are,” she told The Epoch Times in an Instagram message. “As a fellow human being, I chose to support her, as she chooses to support me and all of our fellow lifters.”