Mandate Smokescreen for Afghan Debacle

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As each day passes, it is becoming more undeniable that the COVID-19 vaccines are nowhere close to living up to the promises that were used to sell them to the American public. The vaccines were initially purported to be 95% effective in protecting against COVID infection. Initially we were told that each reported incident of a high-profile figure that had a confirmed COVID infection was a “rare breakthrough case.” As the frequency of these instances increased, the word “rare” was dropped from the vernacular. When it became apparent that the vaccinated were regularly becoming infected the narrative was then completely changed, without any type of data or study to affirm this claim, to claim that the vaccines don’t prevent infection—they prevent hospitalization and death. This rationalization was bolstered by every feeble-minded, virtue-signaling celebrity that survived COVID tweeting that they owed their lives to the vaccine. After all, without vaccination their chance of survival would have only been between 99.5% and 99.8%. Perhaps the vaccines do help people with comorbidities survive COVID. After all, the vaccines were initially positioned as a tool to protect the most vulnerable—not the entire population.

At some point, the narrative and strategy shifted to encouraging everyone to be fully vaccinated to eradicate COVID-19 completely. This narrative never made any logical sense since the vaccines don’t stop COVID-19 from spreading. Unable to convince the masses with data, logic, and reason, vaccine cultists have used the standard tactics of the left to achieve their goal: mischaracterization, defamation, demonization, and marginalization. Encouragement has progressed to coercion, isolation, and finally–mandates. Why did the strategy shift? There are a few explanations and none of them are good or based on any type of science. They are, in fact, antithetical to the scientific method.

As I returned to work this past week from the holiday break, I was astonished to observe that at least 80% of the people I spoke with were sick with COVID-like symptoms or recovering from the virus. Many have already tested positive; some were awaiting tests; some initially tested positive but didn’t trust the result and were planning on re-testing. Almost all these people are fully vaccinated. Those who were not dealing with the illness themselves had immediate family members that were. Omicron (presumably) is tearing through the US, regardless of vaccination status, like Bill Clinton tearing through Epstein’s island with an intravenous drip of Viagra. It’s become so impossible to deny that even some members of the vaccine cult in the media seem to be starting the deprogramming process. If the vaccines don’t prevent the spread of the virus, then there is no justification for forcing Americans to be vaccinated.

Why, in the face of an avalanche of evidence, is President Biden still clinging to the preposterous narrative that COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated? I have two theories: The first and less malicious explanation is that Biden’s inability to adapt to change or process new information is yet another indicator that he is suffering from dementia; My other explanation is more sinister. 

Biden’s botched execution of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan was the most humiliating military disaster in US history. Biden had promised that scenes of refugees desperately clinging to US helicopters departing the roof of the US embassy in Saigon would not be recreated. This was one promise he did keep: this time desperate refugees clung to C-17 cargo jets before plummeting to their deaths.

It could not have possibly gone any worse. This catastrophe cost countless lives and left our terrorist enemies in possession of $80 billion worth of our advanced weaponry to be used against us and reverse engineered by Russia and China. Biden also abandoned the Afghans that were allied to us and left them and their families behind to be hunted, raped, tortured, and murdered. Most disturbingly, Biden, through his astonishing incompetence, caused the unnecessary deaths of 13 US service members. His stalled evacuation left these American heroes exposed in an urban environment with no cover for over a week. News outlets broadcast days in advance that the intelligence community was aware of an impending attack. That attack materialized on August 26th.

Throughout the end of August and the first week of September, Biden was deservedly being excoriated nonstop by the entire global media—even the blindingly loyal Democrat acolytes in the US. Americans were enraged by his resistance to cut his Camp David vacation short, address the nation, and his refusal to answer questions. He further infuriated the nation when he appeared bored and disinterested as the flag draped caskets of the American heroes, whom he was directly responsible for getting killed, were returned to US soil. He then mistakenly killed an entire Afghan family, including children, in a botched retaliatory drone strike—as if he were trying to remove any remaining doubt about his stupidity. His performance was so atrocious that he managed to do what no other Democrat ever has—he lost the support of his base. 

The universal outrage of the American public and media burned white hot. Democrats in Congress were panicked that this would end their own chances for re-election. Unable to justify the unjustifiable he (or more likely, his handlers) were desperate for a way out. On September 9th, he announced a plan to abuse the powers of OSHA to trample on the rights of the American people and enact a back door vaccine mandate. This idea was equally infuriating but in opposing ways to the freedom-loving right and the dutiful clapping seals of the authoritarian left. The oxygen was immediately sucked out of the white-hot magnesium fire of Afghanistan disaster fury overnight and we have been fixated on domestic court battles ever since. Mission accomplished.

By Peter Farrell

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