Maricopa County: Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline

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Maricopa County withheld requested public documents for nearly seven months. These documents show 18,000 additional late ballots not previously reported. Several contests were decided by less than 20K votes, most notably the statewide presidential race that was decided by only 10,457. The 20,000 ballots recorded as incoming from the USPS on and after November 4 were of sufficient quantity to change the result of the 2020 General Election in Arizona.

Maricopa County: Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline PDF


About We the People AZ Alliance

We the People AZ Alliance is a citizen driven movement designed to hold our elected accountable and bring government transparency to the people.

Our founding fathers left us one of the most sacred and precious gifts… The Constitution of the United States. It is our duty and our privilege to ensure that future generations share in the freedom and liberty that was entrusted to us.

We have stood by and allowed out of control representatives in comfortable offices to slowly strip away what is rightfully ours. We were sleeping.

NO MORE! Our mission is to demand action and hold elected representatives accountable to their oaths of office.

We the People hold the power and TOGETHER we can take our country back!

Visit the We the People AZ Alliance Website

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