Mark Robertson For U.S. Senate Nevada

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

Proven Leadership Southern Nevada Deserves And Our Nation Needs!

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Key Stances

Colonel (R) Mark Robertson believes the United States of America remains the land of opportunity and the greatest nation on earth. Southern Nevada is a great place to live, work and play. Our best days are ahead of us. By finding common ground and working together we can ensure bright and prosperous times for ourselves and our families.

Defend Our Constitutional Rights

Fight to protect all individual freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights, including Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to bear Arms, etc. Modern technology has created monopolies with unchecked power over the accumulation, dissemination and content of virtually all human information. Ensure that this unprecedented power does not infringe on privacy and competition or unduly influence elections and freedom of speech.

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Strong Families Equals Strong Communities

Government policies should be designed to encourage strong, stable family units without dictating personal choices and practices. Strong families mean strong communities which lead to a strong Nevada and a strong United States of America.

Control Spending and Stop Inflation

Support an amendment to the Constitution that would require a balanced budget unless sanctioned by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. As a nation, we must get our budget and debt under control. The Federal deficit is approaching $30 trillion and growing by billions (even trillions) each year. Printing and spending money we don’t have is the biggest contributor to inflation. Families find it difficult to pay for gas and groceries. The problem is that politicians are afraid to be honest with their constituents. These politicians ignore the problem and pass it along to future generations. They pass “take-it-or-shut-down-the-government” spending bills, while refusing to do the hard work of examining every program within the budget. All the while, the financial position of the Nation continues to deteriorate. It is now one of our top national security issues.

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Quality Education Starts With Choice

Eliminate the Federal Department of Education, then block grant the billions they spend to the States to be used for education funding. Allow parents the ability to choose which school option is best for their child. This may be public, private, co-op, magnet, charter or homeschool. Education dollars should then follow the student.

Freedom From Any Government Mandates

Any time a government issues a mandate without going through the legislative process, its citizens become less free. A congress that rejects mandates for education, healthcare and other parts of private life is the way to protect against this type of overreach. All branches of government should insist on a complete and ethical legislative process.

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Americans Must Come First

Only support legislation which puts America and Americans first. Every policy or law passed by Congress should be for the benefit of Americans. In our dealings with foreign governments, Congress must ensure that we put the interests and welfare of Americans ahead of all other considerations. As a country, we can best help the people of the world by setting a good example of living by conservative principles; living within our means, strengthening families, protecting individual liberties, and unleashing businesses from oppressive government regulations.

Secure Our Borders First

Strengthen current measures to control our borders – turn off the illegal flow of people coming into our country. This is a matter of national security. A country that does not control who is coming in, puts the security of its citizens at risk. Immediately end chain-migration, visa lotteries and vacation-birth citizenship. Develop a simplified legal status verification system that allows employers to know whether a prospective employee is in the United States legally.

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Support Police Officers

The Democrats’ defund-the-police movement, coupled with disastrous liberal policies that release criminals back on to our streets is causing record levels of violent crime throughout our country. We support the men and women in law enforcement by giving them the resources they need to keep our communities safe.

Modernize Our Armed Forces

Provide funding to keep our military the best on earth while taking care of veterans who sacrificed to keep America free. The best guarantee for peace is a strong military which discourages aggressors and enemies from challenging the United States and our interests. Congress must insist that our NATO allies contribute to their own defense by meeting their defense budget obligations.

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Term Limits For Congress

Limit terms to no more than twelve years. America does not need a permanent political class. Congress should be made up of citizens who serve for a limited time and then return to their communities to live under the laws they have created. Nevada got this right. In Nevada politicians are limited to 12 years in any office. Enactment at the federal level requires a constitutional amendment. Limit service in Congress to 12 years (6 terms in the House; 2 terms in the Senate) Also, eliminate Federal pensions for elected and politically-appointed officials.

Fight The Drug Problem

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, drug use – including marijuana, cocaine, meth, and prescription drug abuse and illicit opioids – is on the rise in America. There have been over 100,000 deaths from fentanyl in the last year alone. A major contributor to the rise in drug abuse is the lack of security at the southern border. Returning to traditional Conservative values will turn the tide of this great country and reduce the need for American people to turn to destructive methods of coping with reality. America is worth fighting for! We can effect change in Nevada’s First Congressional District and across the nation.

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Meet Mark

After more than 30 years of military service, Mark Robertson retired as a Colonel in the US Army Reserves. He was awarded the Bronze Star and Legion of Merit for his service in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and seven other foreign countries. His military career culminated in his assignment to the Pentagon to serve as a senior advisor in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Mark and his family have lived in Southern Nevada for 29 years where he owned and operated a small business. As a Certified Financial Planner, Mark helped hundreds of individuals and families build a more secure financial future.

In addition to his military service and running his business, Mark has been an assistant professor and adjunct faculty member at UNLV, the National Defense University and the American College.

His community service includes leadership in his Church, youth sports, member of the Henderson Senior Citizen Commission and substitute teacher in Clark County School District.

Mark graduated from BYU with a degree in finance and has earned an MBA from City University of Seattle.

He has been married to Lesly for 38 years and they have four children and four grandchildren — all living in Southern Nevada.

Read More About Mark Robertson

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