“I’m a wife, mother of seven, grandmother of seventeen, and an illinois grain and cattle farmer. My family and my faith in god always come first. I’m a conservative and I’m proud to stand with president trump.” ~ Congresswoman Mary Miller, Illinois’ 15th Congressional District.
- Pro-Trump
- Pro-Second Amendment
- Pro-Life
- Election Integrity
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Visit the Mary Miller For Congress Website
About Mary Milller
President Donald Trump endorsed Congresswoman Mary Miller for re-election in Illinois’ 15th District, calling her a “champion of our America First agenda.” Mary and her husband Chris run a third-generation family cattle and grain farm. She is the mother of seven, grandmother of eighteen, and a former Sunday school teacher. Mary is not a career politician and she has not spent her life in the DC swamp. Mary was inspired by President Trump to run for Congress in 2020 to be a voice for families and farmers ignored by Washingtin, DC elites. She was elected to represent Illinois’ 15th District with 73.4% of the vote. Mary fights every day for our Midwestern values of Faith, family and freedom.
In Congress, Mary serves on the House Agriculture Committee and the House Education & Labor Committee. She is a proud members of the House Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee, where she fights for conservative, Constitutional principles including the Right to Life, the Second Amendment, and ballot security. She was endorsed by the NRA in 2020, is the only member from Illinois with an A rating from Gun Owners of America, has a 100% rating with National Right to Life and a 100% rating with the Family Research Council.
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Mary has distinguished herself in Washington as a conservative fighter who is not afraid to take on the Biden Administration and Speaker Pelosi, even when it leads to intense media criticism. Mary is the only member of Congress from Illinois to oppose every aspect of the Biden-Pelosi agenda, including the disgraceful January 6th “witch hunt” Commission, President Biden’s “red-flag” gun confiscation measures, COVID vaccine mandates and databases, and taxpayer-funded chemical abortion.
On the House Agriculture Committee, Mary serves as a voice for small family farmers and is one of only a few farmers left in Congress. She worked with both parties to pass rural broadband legislation, fund vital crop insurance programs, and sponsor legislation to allow whole milk back into the school lunch program. She also introduced legislation to stop the Biden EPA from infringing on farmers and ranchers with burdensome Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulations and sponsored legislation to stop China from buying US farmland.
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On the House Education & Labor Committe, Mary stood up to the Biden Administration’s attempts to push Critical Race Theory and extremist indoctrination in our public schools. She made national headlines for challenging President Biden’s Secretary of Education for issuing guidance threatening schools with harassment if they tell students there are only two genders. Mary also advocates for businesses in Illinois who are being crushed by harmful labor regulations from the Biden Administration, including OSHA’s illegal and unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandate.
Mary graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a B.S. in Business Management and also completed graduate coursework in education. She received her teaching certification from the State of Illinois.
Visit the Mary Miller For Congress Website