Matt Salmon For Governor of Arizona

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

We can’t allow liberal politicians to turn Arizona into California. We must protect the values that have made Arizona a beacon of opportunity.

About Matt Salmon

Matt is a lifetime member of the NRA with an A rating for supporting and defending the Second Amendment. He is also 100% pro-life, co-founded the conservative House Freedom Caucus, and has worked to cut spending and get government out of the way so more Americans can thrive. Visit the Salmon For Governor Website


Raised in Tempe, Matt attended public schools, graduated from Arizona State University, and later earned a master’s degree from Brigham Young University. After completing his education, he worked as an executive with a major telecommunications firm in Arizona.


Matt’s career in public service began in 1990 when he defeated an incumbent member of the Arizona Senate in the Republican primary. Four years later, he was elected to represent Arizona’s First Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

During his time in Congress, Matt was named a “Defender of Liberty” and earned the “Taxpayer Hero” award from Citizens Against Government Waste. Among Matt’s many legislative accomplishments was the sponsoring and passing of “Aimee’s Law,” a measure that gave “no second chances” for rapists, molesters, and murderers.

After honoring his term limit pledge and leaving Congress in 2001, Matt went back to the private sector where he experienced firsthand the obstacles many Arizonans face when trying to grow a small business. As he watched the size of our government and our national debt explode and our individual freedoms shrink, he decided to return to public service.

With support from conservative leaders across the country, Salmon was twice elected to represent Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District.

Matt was a leader in the fight to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a system that offers more affordable options to patients and puts them in charge of their healthcare – not government bureaucrats.  He also served as chairman of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, a committee of particular importance to border states like Arizona, where he worked to help secure the release of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi after he was imprisoned in Mexico. Visit the Salmon For Governor Website


Matt is a lifetime member of the NRA with an A rating for supporting and defending the Second Amendment.  He’s also 100% pro-life, and conservative groups have continually recognized him as a leader in cutting spending and getting government out of the way so more Americans can thrive, including:

“Defender of Liberty” award from the American Conservative Union

“Taxpayer Hero” award from Citizens Against Government Waste

“Defender of Economic Freedom” award from the Club for Growth

“True Blue” award from the Family Research Council Action

“Guardian of Small Business” award from the National Federation of Independent Business

“Taxpayers’ Friend” award from the National Taxpayers Union

Visit the Salmon For Governor Website

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