Mexico Is Paying for ‘Trump’s Wall’

And enjoying it!

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In an article on Townhall, Wayne Allyn Root explains that Mexico is paying for ‘Trump’s wall’.

“Now we get to Mexico. Illegal immigrant crossings nationwide are down almost 80%. At the Arizona-Mexico border, illegal crossings are down by 94%. Once-overcrowded dorms, where we house illegal border crossers, are now empty. And Mexico is keeping illegals who demand asylum on their side of the border. It’s another huge Trump victory.

How did he do it? Trump won a masterful negotiation with Mexico. Trump understood Mexico needs us far more than we need it. We could make its economy crumble in a nanosecond. Mexico blinked, just like China and Iran.

Faced with tariffs and economic ruin, Mexican officials agreed to place thousands of troops, at their expense, at both their northern and southern borders. Suddenly, no one can get through. A Mexican journalist just named this human wall of Mexican troops “Trump’s Wall.”

So, in fact, Trump has built the wall, a human wall. And Mexico is paying for it. Bravo.”

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