‘They care more about radical, far left extremist ideologies and agendas than they do about the teaching and learning that should be happening in classrooms.’
In early July, the National Education Association (NEA) put forward a resolution to replace the word “mother” in contracts with the words “birthing parent” in order to promote inclusivity. Fed up with the expanding promotion of their “radical, far left extremist ideologies” in America’s education system, one mother is on a mission to expose, and take head on, the organization she now calls the “K-12 Cartel.”
The resolution, labeled NBI 63, was one of many proposed at the 2022 NEA Representative Assembly, held in Chicago, July 3–6. “Using this contract language, members need not worry about how a Board of Education/solicitor defines ‘maternity leave,’ ‘mother,’ and/or ‘father’; the language is an inclusive reflection of how LGBTQIA+ members build families,” the resolution said.
Democrat leadership and NEA-backed Senate candidates were silent on whether or not they supported the measure. While the Biden administration’s 2022 budget proposal also replaced the word “mothers” with “birthing people,” the White House was equally silent on the NEA’s measure.
During a July 9 interview, mother and co-founder of Moms for Liberty, Tiffany Justice, slammed the proposal, saying the NEA was nothing more than a “K-12 Cartel,” pushing a radical political agenda.
Whether it was due to swift public backlash, or the absence of support among Democratic candidates and leadership, NBI 63 was ultimately not even brought to a vote. However, Justice is not backing down.
“There are many other things the NEA proposed, and I really suggest to people start paying attention because you will be shocked at the radical agenda items the union is pushing across this country,” Justice told The Epoch Times.
Progressive Agenda
For example, delegates at the Representative Assembly also approved a new policy statement calling for an end to the “criminalization and policing of students,” but stopped just short of proposing the removal of armed school resource officers, guardians, and marshals from school campuses.
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