We have long maintained that the two smoking guns of the January 6 Fedsurrection are the curious case of Ray Epps, on the one hand, and the RNC/DNC pipe bomb hoax, on the other. Our extensive reporting on the case of Epps enjoyed a natural assist from the fact that the now-iconic video of Epps urging the crowd to go “into the Capitol” and the subsequent chants from the crowd of “Fed, Fed, Fed” were seemingly tailor-made to go viral. While our ground-breaking reporting on January 6 had been no less comprehensive and no less damning, for the longest time it lacked a corresponding video clip to help carry this historic scandal into mainstream attention.
All of this changed when we drew attention to a certain explosive (no pun intended) surveillance video that had quietly and with great reluctance been released by the Capitol Police thanks to the persistent efforts of Thomas Massie, who has valiantly used his Congressional perch to advance our body of research on the January 6 pipe bomb. We strongly encourage readers to stop here and read our comprehensive piece on this bombshell video and how it fits into the comprehensive universe of reporting we’ve built on this subject. The video in question depicts the discovery of the so-called “DNC pipe bomb” that was discovered outside of the DNC headquarters on January 6. Right off the bat, things simply don’t add up.
Below, courtesy of Thomas Massie, is the most damning and explosive J6 footage yet released.
— Darren J. Beattie 🌐 (@DarrenJBeattie) January 18, 2024
In my view this will end up demolishing the Regime's J6 narrative and with it a major pillar of Dem's 2024 strategy.
You paying attention Kamala? pic.twitter.com/1LuNm6pGdB
In the video, we can see a plainclothes Capitol Police officer inform Secret Service agents stationed outside the DNC building of the presence of the bomb just feet away, whereupon the agents in question react with an utter lack of concern, not even bothering to exit their vehicle for over a minute. The Secret Service agents’ nonchalant attitude toward the bomb reaches a crescendo in the most arresting part of the video, in which the agents and Capitol Police officers casually allow a group of schoolchildren to cross the street in the direction of the pipe bomb and walk within feet of the explosives! Could it be that the Secret Service agents were simply unconcerned for their own lives, the lives of their protectee (then-VP-elect Kamala Harris), or the lives of the aforementioned schoolchildren? There is perhaps a remote possibility.
If the nonchalance of the Secret Service seemed weird before, now it gets downright scandalous.
— Darren J. Beattie 🌐 (@DarrenJBeattie) January 18, 2024
In this clip we not only see a bunch of secret service agents standing in close proximity to the pipe bomb, we see a group of CHILDREN cross the street toward the location of the… pic.twitter.com/LXRO5BxLN3
The video and the context overwhelmingly suggest, however, that somehow the Secret Service agents in question knew the bomb posed no threat. But how on earth would they have known that in advance? This is especially bizarre and troubling given the fact that the Secret Service agents were protecting Kamala Harris, who has strangely covered up the fact that she was present in the DNC as the pipe bomb was found. To this day, Harris refuses to acknowledge her presence in the DNC building, against all evident political interest. After all, think of how much she could have milked politically from the fact that she came within a hair’s width of the deadly MAGA pipe bomb. The regime has been so desperate to find stories to fit their “domestic terrorism” narrative of January 6 that they’ve resorted to outright lies—to take one, the lies regarding the death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. This is the one case in which no lies would seem to be necessary, as the Vice President really was at the building when the bombs were discovered.