More Countries are Swinging from Left to Right

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Our mainstream media does a good job of propaganda in news reporting in this country these days but they largely neglect reporting the news of other nations at all. That becomes increasingly true when the news of other nations goes against the agenda of the globalist elites they must follow.

One story that is being avoided is the fact that other free nations around the country that have free and fair elections are shifting political leadership from left to right. This is both interesting and fascinating.

The reason why this is occurring on such a broad spectrum is pure speculation. Reasons sighted are everything from economic inflation, to woke agendas, to a climate change hoax, and even the UN’s agenda 2030 taking nation sovereignty.

This article of The Guardian does a pretty good job of illustrating this shift but it confused me at first. You see, over in Europe conservatives are labeled in blue while liberals are labeled in red.

How Europe’s far right is marching steadily into the mainstream– The Guardian

This article covers the shift in the countries of: France, Italy, Greece, Austria, Finland, Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, and Spain.

This article covers many of the same countries but speculates on the future of this year.

A sharp right turn: A forecast for the 2024 European Parliament elections– European Council on Foreign Relations

Those countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, and Italy.

These countries are not the only ones making the international news about shifting from left to right. Argentina and Portugal have also come up. At the 2024 Conservative Political Action Counsel (CPAC) conference for example, Argentina’s President Javier Milei spoke.

“Argentina’s President Javier Milei Issues Epic Takedown Of Socialism In CPAC Speech” – Forbes

President Milei is going scorched earth on the globalist elites:

Anti-globalists crash Davos party, warn elites socialism endangers the West– Fox News


One thing that is painfully obvious is the new leaders of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump, need to find out how this paradigm shift occurred in other countries to make it happen here in November 2024. People are angry but too often they are so angry with one another (blue and red), they are not seeing the facts or truth of life these days.

Two examples of the problems facing Mike and Lara came to me in two different memes on social media this year. Both of them are true. Both of them cannot be argued with. Both of them made me smile and shake my head at their truths.

“The same people who are against voter ID today are the same people who wanted you to show vaccine status papers before.” – Author Unknown


“To Anger a Conservative, Lie to Him. To Anger a Liberal, Tell Him the Truth.” – Teddy Roosevelt

Somehow people need to start exposing and shaming liars in this country and they need to educate people to embrace the truth, no matter which side benefits from it being told.

The Democrats Party knows it is in trouble in 2024 as was described in a recent Time Magazine article. That article did a pretty good synopsis on where the problems lie for the party.

“For the last few cycles, Democrats have taken too many of their supporters for granted. As working-class voters suspected the party cared more about woke jargon and performative ultimatums than the needs of their former base, the thinking went that a new coalition of younger, progressive activists steeped in campus activism would backfill the workers’ exodus. All the while, communities of color were seen as permanent assets for the Democratic column come Election Day. No one uses the term these days, but a carbon-neutral iteration of limousine liberalism did Democrats no favors in recent years.”

The Democrats Begging Their Party to Ditch the Activist Left

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