More than mere politics

Republicans in 2025 have enormous ambitions: the border, energy, lawfare, the military, a record deficit, and a revisit of the 2017 tax cut, to name a few. Donald Trump was reelected to the presidency with a mandate to enact change but to do so he will have to work with a slim Congressional margin.

Mike Johnson was elected House Speaker by three votes – the narrowest margin in nearly a century. Johnson suggested the House could produce one large bill by April 3. However, a sizeable bill provides members with more reasons to justify a no vote. Small bills require more time and would comprise many issues that have already passed the House. 

The Congressional workload is heavy. The Senate must confirm hundreds of Trump nominees comprising of background checks, committee hearings and votes. Trump has multiple high-octane picks but can’t allow his momentum to slow because the vagaries of the courts and the various federal agencies and their bureaucratic inertia await like quicksand.

Provided Republicans want to maintain any majority, their first order of business is to restrict government. Since the 2026 midterm election is less than two years away, time and momentum are everything. Trump has the political capital and must use it wisely and without delay. 

The percentage of Americans who support Trump’s agenda is greater than the slim margin Republicans hold in Congress. Republicans must be a cohesive force for change rather than a circular firing squad of indecision. Restoring common sense governance is paramount. If not, a hornet’s nest of refutation awaits at the midterm election that always seems to severely sting an incumbent president’s party.

This Trumpian mandate reaches much deeper than mere politics.

Of all things Barack Obama, he was spot on when he crowed about how America was no longer a Christian nation. The true conflict facing America is not policy disputes, but the nation’s creed and culture. 

There is an ongoing spiritual war raging with the vulnerable American soul lying in the balance. It is being waged by those who accept God’s Providence and those who don’t. This battle echoes the two roads described in Matthew’s Gospel one leading to eternal life and the other to perdition.

Our country is suffering from the collapse of moral and social values. If Trump is not reelected, do you truly believe Mark Zuckerberg would be ending DEI policies with Facebook and Instagram and removing tampons from their men’s bathrooms? Try explaining DEI to someone who stormed the beaches of Anzio, Normandy, and Iwo Jima.

One of the first questions a recent employer asked me was what my preferred pronouns were.

This is where we are in 2025 America.

In their twisted quest for an earthly utopia, the left runs roughshod upon the principles of democracy and the longstanding rule of natural law. Post-Christian America has adopted sports and politics as its religion – modernity’s version of Rome’s bread and circuses.

Abortion is healthcare, rather than the murder of the most innocent among us, while the ongoing transgender insurgency claims it can rightly change one’s biology. Critical race theory proclaims the right to rewrite any part of the historical record it doesn’t like and call anyone who disagrees – racist. Library drag queen story hour is just some old-fashioned fun for children rather than an implied LGTBQ recruiting tactic. Meanwhile, cancel culture silences any opposition – virtue be damned. 

America’s founders were convinced virtue is indispensable to political unity.

George Washington declared: “Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people.” John Adams insisted: “Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics.” Benjamin Franklin acknowledged: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

History is littered with the skeletons of humans believing humans could accomplish what only God can. 

Presuming that a nation’s future is guaranteed will only hasten its demise. What is true of individuals is also true of nations. As the psalmist noted: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. The best way to serve is to help America be a nation God can bless (Psalm 33:12). 

Prayer is the foundation for true reform and something everyone can commit to invest in.

From your lips to God’s ears, America’s future lies in the balance. 

Greg Maresca
Greg Maresca
Greg Maresca is a New York City native and U.S. Marine Corps veteran who writes for TTC. He resides in the Pennsylvania Coal Region. His work can also be found in The American Spectator, NewsBreak, Daily Item, Republican Herald, Standard Speaker, The Remnant Newspaper, Gettysburg Times, Daily Review, The News-Item, Standard Journal and more.


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