Murphy Introduces Legislation Reassigning National Guardsmen from D.C. to Southern Border

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Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03) introduced the Guard Our Border Act. The legislation would reassign 95% of National Guardsmen who are scheduled to arrive in Washington, D.C. and send them to the southern border to help with the humanitarian crisis occurring there.

Capitol Police announced yesterday that there are no “known, credible threats” against the Capitol. Last week the Department of Defense announced about 2,300 National Guard personnel will remain in Washington, D.C. at least through May 23, 2021.

Meanwhile, there is a humanitarian crisis at the southern border as illegal immigration levels continue to spike and holding facilities overflow. In February 2021, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had 100,441 encounters with migrants at the southern border – a 173% increase compared to February 2020. As of Sunday morning, there was a backlog of 4,200 migrant children in CBP custody, with 3,000 held past the legal limit. In addition, more than 100 illegal immigrants who tested positive for COVID-19 were reportedly released into the United States.

Murphy released the following statement:

“Our National Guard was formed to respond to states of national crisis in this country. The Capitol Police have acknowledged that there is presently no credible threat to our nation’s Capitol Building. Yet, because of this administration’s new policies, there is a national security and public health threat at our southern border,” said Murphy.

“The Biden Administration has refused to acknowledge this crisis but have asked for assistance from FEMA. Even civilian volunteers have been requested. Keeping the National Guard in D.C. is a misdirection of their mission purposed by political posturing and a complete waste of taxpayer money. If our men and women in the National Guard are going to be deployed to provide assistance with a domestic issue, then the real issue is at our southern border and not in D.C. Congress should direct them immediately to help secure our border and provide humanitarian aid to those in custody.”

Legislative text for the Guard Our Border Act can be found below and here.



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