
More Interest Rate Cuts Possible Even Under Trump Tariffs, Fed Governor Says

Federal Reserve Gov. Christopher J. Waller is backing more interest rate cuts even if higher tariffs are imposed on imports, a proposal pushed forward by Trump.

Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates by a Quarter-Point, Signals Fewer Cuts Next Year

Federal Reserve followed through on the third straight interest rate cut lowering the benchmark rate by 25 basis points to a range between 4.25% and 4.5%.
MAGA Business MAGA Business

Government Payments Become Fastest Growing Source of Income: Report

Payments from the government have become the fastest-growing source of income for Americans, according to a new study.

I, Pencil: The Movie

The pencil is a miracle of the free market. People who are strangers to each other are cooperating to produce goods that others want, need, and enjoy.

Fed Keeps Rates Unchanged, Signals One Rate Cut This Year

Fed policymakers say ’there has been modest further progress’ toward restoring price stability. The Federal Reserve left its key interest...

Social Security Will No Longer Withhold 100 Percent of Monthly Benefits to Recover Overpayments

Lawmakers have criticized the 100 percent withholding policy as being a burden to vulnerable Americans dependent on their benefits.

New York Stock Exchange Abandons Plan to Control America’s Natural Resources

‘Very few people understand how close we were to losing control of our property and natural resources through this diabolical NAC scam,’ Margaret Byfield said.

IRS Targets ‘High-Income Taxpayers,’ Collects $520 Million

IRS collected some $360 million from tax-delinquent millionaires, coming after the federal agency collected about $122 million from wealthy Americans in October.