New Book Exposes Tim Walz is No Leader  

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Former Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (R) published a new book on vice presidential candidate Tim Walz (D) titled, “Behind the Veil: A Stand Against Governor Tim Walz.”

Journalist Liz Collin interviewed Paul Gazelka on the release of his new book which exposes Tim Walz as not just a weak leader but an incompetent one who ruled Minnesota without logic or reason during the COVID-19 Pandemic and George Floyd riots.

In new book, Former GOP lawmaker harshly criticizes Walz leadership” – KSTP

Gazelka said Walz often froze when faced with difficult decisions such as the riots that occurred as the result of George Floyd’s death.

Minnesota’s former highest ranking Republican says Governor Tim Walz doesn’t belong in the White House and reasons why are explained in a brand new book by Paul Gazelka, the former Minnesota Senate Majority Leader.

Liz Collin did an excellent job interviewing this newly published author by simply letting him talk.

Gazelka explained how he began his book in January and had it done in just 6 months pouring over old correspondence and emails. He wasn’t sure he was even going to publish it until suddenly Tim Walz rose all the way up and became the Democrats vice presidential candidate nominee for the 2024 General Election.

Gazelka said, “I said look, I, I got to put this out.  I feel like he is applying for the second most highest position in the country and I’m the reference that says, ‘Don’t hire him.’, and so you know I was pretty direct. I’m always respectful, I think everybody around the Capitol knows I’m civil, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t say the truth when I see it.”

Collin said, “And certainly a lot has happened during your 14 years in St Paul especially as you’re talking about here during the time you spent with Governor Tim Walz during his first term. We had the pandemic, the George Floyd riots, the state budget, uh you’ve served with plenty of other Democrats, though in the past it sounds like just in some conversations I’ve had with you before, there was something different about Walz, something you experienced firsthand.”

Gazelka responded, “Yeah, you know I got along really well with Mark Dayton and uh uh both speaker (Melissa) Hortman, both of them very liberal, uh but we found pragmatic ways to find Solutions and a handshake deal was a handshake deal, and Tim Walz started out where I thought well it’s going to be more the same we fixed MNLARS, that was a license and registration services, was just botched by the state of Minnesota and we we Republicans were saying we need to a third party to look at this and finally he agreed to do that.

I thought well this could be okay and then the first budget he (Walz) had all his grand dreams of a progressive agenda and I said, ‘We’re not doing any of those,’ and he said and he needed to raise taxes. He said 12 billion, or he didn’t say it but that’s how we calculated it, and I said ‘We’re not raising any taxes, we’re lowering them,’ and in the end we actually did lower taxes it was the biggest tax cut in Minnesota History and now he’s taking credit for it on the on his stump you know at the Democrat National Convention he’s bragging about the biggest tax cut.

I’m thinking, he wanted tax increases but, but, up to that point I thought, this is this will be okay until he got emergency powers. And that’s when we just drifted farther and farther apart because emergency powers are like king-like powers. That means I can suggest what he should do but I have really no way of stopping him and then we can walk through, through, COVID and, and, the riots and decisions he made it was all when he had those emergency Powers.”

Gazelka talked about Minnesota which had some of the most extreme lockdowns in the country because of Walz as governor and the same with the vaccine roll out and mandates as he misused his emergency powers without any legislative input.

He talked about the George Floyd riots and how Walz had some 190 National Guard members out lost somewhere but not where they were needed. The rioters ended up burning down much of the Third Precinct of Minneapolis with some 1,500 buildings damaged or destroyed. Most of those buildings were minority owned.  

Gazelka noted, “I am, I am, livid, because he is destroying Minneapolis and St Paul! I, I, ended up calling the White House and asked, ‘Can you guys help because he’s frozen?’”

Gazelka concluded, “Governor Walz tries to present himself as this voice for Rural America it’s just like the opposite what he, of what he tried to do. Even from 2019, 20, 21, 22, I mean they wanted to do a new flag without bipartisan support back in 19 they did it in 2023 when they had House/Senate/Governor.

They wanted to raise 12 billion of taxes well they raised 10 billion; they wanted they wanted the driver’s license for illegal immigrants we wouldn’t let them that now happened; they wanted this extreme Green New Deal in 19 we didn’t let them happen but it did pass in 2023 where utility companies they have to have 100% renewable or carbon free by uh 2040 and there’s no way they can get there because with solar, when there’s no sun solar doesn’t work well when it’s below 22 below, uh wind doesn’t work well there’s not  enough nuclear to cover the difference and I don’t know what they’re thinking they’re going to do when we get there, and if the abortion, they went extreme on abortion they they wanted to in in 2019 in 2023 they wiped out all the common sense compromises we had Democrats and Republicans. For example if a woman, a young woman wanted to have a baby they didn’t have a lot of money they were going to have the baby, we provided resources in Minnesota to help that young woman succeed. It was called the Positive Alternative Act they took all the money out of that. Uh, now, if a 16-year-old girl’s pregnant parents are not notified, they used to be notified, every simple provision that most people in Minnesota I think would agree with they took them all out. So one thing after the other they just eliminated.

I mean I had pages of things I marked down that they were, I’ll give you one more that just came to mind, he’s not he’s not business savvy so he doesn’t understand small business and they pass this Paid Family Leave bill that will tax every employer, every employee, and if you’re an employer with one employee that employee can take up to 20 weeks off year if they’re eligible! I mean there you know and if somebody wants to milk the system well that doesn’t work. I mean it’s going to destroy small businesses. And so each thing it was like they didn’t think through the consequences they just bowl them through and if you think about that if that’s what he does at at Minnesota what is what is he going to do you know federally? And one more comes to mind, so in 2023 they increased spending in one year 40% we had an $18 billion Surplus, they blew all of that, they raised taxes 10 billion, and according to my nonpartisan fiscal staff in the Senate, uh there is a structural deficit into the future. And so if he did that in Minnesota what are they going to do on the Federal Government?”


Tim Walz has been an obvious failure as governor of Minnesota and you need look no further than the COVID-19 Pandemic and how well neighboring South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem led her state!

By all accounts these days science holds the lockdowns and tyranny did not work. In fact, it probably cost more lives in depression and suicides and threw our school children years behind in their studies. It was devastating for many small businesses that did not have the money to challenge the Democrats tyrannical lockdowns in court.

Socialist Democrats have a proven record of becoming tyrannical when they attain absolute power and this is why people like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz careers in politics need to end in 2024!

“Video Appears To Show Nat’l Guard, MPD Shooting Paint Rounds At Citizens On Their Porch” – WCCO


Vice presidential candidates Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) will face off in a debate Tuesday, October 1st, at 9:00 p.m. ET on CBS but may be carried on other networks and streaming channels as well.

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