In private emails between Mark Zuckerberg and Anthony Fauci – obtained exclusively by The National Pulse – the Facebook founder and CEO offered to send “data reports” on users to “facilitate decisions” about COVID-19 lockdowns.
The revelation is a stark example of how Big Tech corporates and government can easily collude using user data to restrict the liberties of the general public.
In the exchange, Zuckerberg insists: “I want to make sure you have all the resources you need to expedite the development of a vaccine.”
Zuckerberg – whose personal foundation referenced in the email plowed hundreds of millions of dollars into securing a victory for then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020 – offered the assistance to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director just one month after the pair had connected over emails that were redacted by the U.S. government.
In full, Zuckerberg’s April 8th email to Fauci reads:
I’m writing to thank you again for everything you’re doing and to see if there’s anything else that Facebook, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative or I personally can be doing to help you in your efforts to fight Covid and to get society back open again.
If we’re looking at a prolonged period of tightening and loosening shelter restrictions around the country, then if there are aggregate, anonymized data reports that Facebook can generate to facilitate these decisions, for example, we’d be happy to do this and want to make sure we’re prioritizing the right work. We’ve kicked off a symptom survey, which will hopefully give a county-by-county leading indicator of cases to inform public health decisions. If there are other aggregate data resources that you think would be helpful, let me know.
Longer term, [REDACTED] and I want to make sure you have all the resources you need to expedite the development of a vaccine. This seems like an area that’s getting a lot of investment, but if there are promising approaches that aren’t currently being worked on — or if there are areas that could use more resources — let me know and we’d be happy to look at funding them.
Thank you again for your leadership on this. And I know how busy you are, so there’s no need to respond to this email if there isn’t anything for us to help with right now. I hope you’re doing well.
Thanks for the note and for your offer to help. I will think hard about ways that we may take you up on your offer.
Warm regards,
by Natalie Winters and Raheem J. Kassam