Kash Patel: Release Full Subpoenaed Bank Records of Biden and His Family; New Details...

Investigators say millions of dollars from China and other foreign entities went to President Joe Biden and other family members says new House Oversight memorandum.

Former CIA Official Drafted Hunter Biden Laptop Letter to Give Biden Campaign a ‘Talking...

Former acting dir. of CIA who drafted Hunter Biden laptop letter wanted to give Biden’s campaign a “talking point” in debate against Trump, according to emails.

ANALYSIS: House Investigators Zero In on Biden Deals With Chinese, Romanian Players as White...

James Comer is “floating evidence-free innuendo, and making absurd attacks on the president and his family to try to score political points,” according to Ian Sams.

FBI Fails to Comply With GOP Subpoena for Document Showing Alleged Biden Bribery Scheme

FBI failed to comply with House Oversight and Accountability Committee subpoena for document allegedly implicating President Biden in pay-to-play bribery scheme.

Top Republicans excoriate FBI for noncompliance with subpoena for alleged Biden bribery doc

FBI failed to meet a subpoena deadline to provide investigators with the form that details the bribery scheme between then-VP Biden and a foreign national.
Former CIA Director Michael Morell

CIA Official Helped Recruit Signers for Letter Calling Hunter Biden Laptop Stories Russian Disinformation:...

Member of CIA helped solicit signatures for Oct 2020 letter claiming Hunter Biden laptop story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."
Biden Family's Business Schemes Exposed By Oversight Committee

Bank Records Show Biden Family Received $10 Million in Payments From China, Foreign Interests:...

Banking and other records made public by James Comer depict complex money laundering scheme involving millions from foreign countries, given to Biden and family.

Active CIA employee recruited signatories for Hunter Biden laptop letter, report shows

Active CIA employee recruited signatories for intelligence veterans letter categorizing Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation to swing 2020 election for Biden.

White House bans The Post from Biden event as Hunter indictment looms

WASHINGTON — The White House press office barred The Post from attending President Biden’s only daytime public event Monday as federal prosecutors near a...
Hunter Biden & Joe Biden

Ex-prosecutor approached DOJ in 2018 with witness who claimed Joe Biden involved in ‘bribery’

In 2018 a foreign witness claimed to have evidence that Joe Biden had "exercised influence to protect" his son's employer in Ukraine in return for money.

House chairman urges DOJ to delay Hunter Biden indictment until he releases new evidence...

James Comer declared he has uncovered banks records documenting a pay-to-play bribery scheme involving the Biden family, and urged DOJ to delay indictments.
Biden Secret Emails

Former Intelligence Heads Brennan, Clapper to Testify to House Panel Over Role in Hunter...

Former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper are scheduled to testify before a Congressional panel this month.