New Evidence Emerges of Influence Peddling, Ethical Lapses During Biden Vice Presidency

New evidence emerged of Biden family’s alleged influence peddling and ethical lapses, according to records as part of lawsuit against National Archives.

Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on $8.3 MILLION in income and the DOJ...

David Weiss allegedly tried to bring charges against Hunter in Washington D.C. and California in the fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January 2023.

Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify

Democrats were struck with a political boomerang Wednesday after alleging some FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 in exchange for testimony to a House committee.

FBI Weighing ‘whether to seek searches’ of Biden’s Other Homes

U.S. prosecutors considering searches of other locations linked to Biden after DOJ found more classified files in his possession, it was reported late on Saturday.

Hunter Biden was combative, but confirmed key details from impeachment evidence, transcript shows

The transcript of Hunter Biden’s much-anticipated impeachment inquiry interview shows a combative first son defensive of his business practices and his father, but also...

House chairman urges DOJ to delay Hunter Biden indictment until he releases new evidence...

James Comer declared he has uncovered banks records documenting a pay-to-play bribery scheme involving the Biden family, and urged DOJ to delay indictments.
Biden 'Surprised' Classified Documents Were Found in His Old Office

Biden in ‘Very Big’ Mess Over Document Scandal, Needs to ‘Get the Facts Out’:...

Brewing scandal of classified documents poses very serious problem for President Joe Biden, warned David Gergen, a White House adviser-turned-political analyst.
Hunter Biden and Joe Biden make money From Nefarious Sources

Hunter Biden Admits Receiving Money From Chinese CCP-Linked Company

Hunter Biden admitted in court that he received $664,000 from CCP linked company, contradicting Joe Biden's claim that Biden family made no “money from China.”
Hunter Biden Claims His Laptop

Hunter Biden Admits Infamous Laptop Belongs to Him

The letters from Hunter Biden’s attorneys mark the first time he and his legal team have publicly acknowledged that it was his personal data found on the laptop.

Hallie is unmasked as the mystery THIRD Biden family member to receive China cash

Hallie Biden received cut of $3 million from China sent through associate of Hunter, according to Republicans who released info from subpoenaed bank records.
Hunter Biden and Joe Biden make money From Nefarious Sources

FBI has document alleging pay-to-play scheme involving Joe Biden, lawmakers allege

GOP investigators learned FBI possesses document alleging a pay-to-play bribery scheme involving President Biden and subpoenaed it in corruption probe of first family.

Non-Profit Leading Efforts To Find Ukraine’s Missing Children Hired Hunter Biden-Linked Consultants.

American non-profit, Humanity for Freedom, leading efforts to find missing Ukrainian children, hired consulting firm Blue Star Strategies tied to Hunter Biden.