Corner Reveals Wires from China Have Joe Biden’s Wilmington Home as the Beneficiary Address

"Bank records don't lie but President Joe Biden does." Chairman James Corner reveals wires from China have Joe Biden's Wilmington home as beneficiary address.

House Names First 3 Witnesses in Biden Impeachment Probe

House said a forensic accountant, a legal scholar, and a former assist. AG for DOJ's tax division will be first witnesses at Biden impeachment inquiry hearing.

Garland Says He Doesn’t Remember Whether He Discussed Hunter Biden Case With FBI

During Sept. 20 testimony to House Judiciary Committee, Garland was asked about allegations DOJ protect Joe Biden and first family from IRS tax crime probe.
Hunter Biden and Joe Biden make money From Nefarious Sources

Joe Biden’s Email Alias Escorted Phone Numbers of Top U.S. Officials to Hunter

Kathy Chung, a gov-paid asst. of then-VP Biden, sent an email to his government alias and to Hunter with subject line, “See below. These are all cell numbers.”

House Republicans Set Date for 1st Biden Impeachment Hearing

The U.S. House of Representatives will hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing this month, the House Oversight Committee confirmed on Sept. 19.

House Republicans Set Date for 1st Biden Impeachment Hearing

The U.S. House of Representatives will hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing this month, the House Oversight Committee confirmed on Sept. 19.

IN-DEPTH: What’s Next in the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Republican leaders in House of Representatives have announced some of the next steps in impeachment investigation into the activities of President Joe Biden.

Gaetz has doubts ‘sad and pathetic’ McCarthy will follow through on Biden impeachment

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) expressed skepticism that Speaker Kevin McCarthy is serious about impeaching President Joe Biden and has “no real intent to follow...

Hunter Biden Indicted on Felony Gun Charges

Hunter Biden was indicted on 3 counts in connection with allegations that he made false statements to a gun dealer and possessed a firearm while using drugs.

Ukraine Plays Key Role in Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Just as It Did With Trump

Impeachment inquiry announced against Biden centers on his involvement with Ukraine, just as Ukraine figured prominently in the first impeachment of Trump.

McCarthy Opens Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden as Lawmakers Eye Expanded Powers

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has announced that the House of Representatives will begin conducting an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden leaves the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building

Prosecutors to Seek Hunter Biden Indictment for Felony Gun Crime

Prosecutors plan to ask a grand jury to indict Hunter Biden with a felony gun crime, special counsel David Weiss's team said in a Sept. 6 filing.