He DOESN’T want you to know this about Hunter Biden laptop story and Ukraine

What are Democrats hiding in Ukraine? What is George Soros hiding in Ukraine? What is Hunter Biden hiding in Ukraine? Turns out a lot....

Hunter Biden, partners aided Chinese bid to corner nuclear energy market with U.S. tech,...

Detailed plan obtained by congressional investigators show Biden sought to help CEFC China Energy buy Westinghouse, the premier maker of U.S. nuclear reactors.

EXC: Biden Energy Secretary Held Secret Talks With Chinese Official Tied To Hunter Biden’s...

Joe Biden's energy secretary held secret talks with CCP official tied to Hunter Biden’s investments before the draining of the U.S. oil reserve in 2021.
Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden

Hunter Biden Partner Says Joe Biden Met With Chief of Chinese Energy Firm

A former business partner of Hunter Biden said that President Joe Biden met with the chief of a CCP-linked Chinese energy company in 2017.
Kevin Morris and Hunter Biden sit in on House Judiciary Committee meeting

House GOP Open to Dropping Contempt Vote Against Hunter Biden

House Republican chairmen leading charge to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress say they’re open to pausing proceedings in exchange for Biden’s cooperation.

Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Subpoenaed as Investigation Widens

The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed four people, including George Bergès, who deals the art created by Hunter Biden, the president's son.

Whistleblower accounts on Biden probe throw into question timing of Garland House testimony

Attorney General Merrick Garland is scheduled to testify at a House hearing in late September, but that might change following revelations made public last...

Hunter Biden, Attorney General Enjoy White House Dinner After First Son Charged With Crimes

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden attended a White House dinner on June 22, two days after he admitted to violating federal law.

Ukraine Plays Key Role in Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Just as It Did With Trump

Impeachment inquiry announced against Biden centers on his involvement with Ukraine, just as Ukraine figured prominently in the first impeachment of Trump.

House Names First 3 Witnesses in Biden Impeachment Probe

House said a forensic accountant, a legal scholar, and a former assist. AG for DOJ's tax division will be first witnesses at Biden impeachment inquiry hearing.

Hallie is unmasked as the mystery THIRD Biden family member to receive China cash

Hallie Biden received cut of $3 million from China sent through associate of Hunter, according to Republicans who released info from subpoenaed bank records.
National Archives

National Archives Won’t Give Up 5,400 Emails Allegedly Sent by Biden Under Pseudonym

NARA admitted to possessing thousands of emails sent by Joe Biden under pseudonym email accounts while vice president, according Southeastern Legal Foundation.