
The News: U.S. Education

Republicans Score Major Win Against DEI in a ‘Purple’ State

One Republican lawmaker in Wisconsin wielded legislation to slash Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in the University of Wisconsin (UW) system.

Showdown Coming Over Race-Based Admissions as Supreme Court Prepares to Hear Arguments in Lawsuit

On Oct. 31, the court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the long-running case of Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. President and Fellows of Harvard College.
Teacher Pay

The Truth about Teacher Pay

One of the most common beliefs about American education is that teaching is an "underpaid" profession. Think tanks purport to calculate the "teacher pay...
Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill.

IN-DEPTH: Transgender Teacher Spoke About Wanting to Shoot Students, Parents Accuse District of ‘Cover-Up’

A transgender middle school teacher in Florida confessed to a guidance counselor that the teacher was having “bad thoughts” of self-harm and shooting students.

France Bans Some Gender-Neutral Language in Schools: ‘A Danger to Our Country’ and the...

The French government recently banned schools from using certain “gender-neutral” or “inclusive” language in schools, saying it would be destructive to the French language and would...
Nations Report Card

‘Nation’s Report Card’: Pandemic Disruption Erodes 20 Years of Growth in Math, Reading Scores

American 9-year-olds suffered a dismal drop in their math and reading scores during COVID-19 pandemic, latest federal assessment data shows.

Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach “Queer Sex”...

Chicago Private School’s Dean Of Students Brags About Bringing In LGBTQ+ Health Center To Teach ‘queer Sex’ To Minors … ‘passing Around Dildos And Butt Plugs’.

California School District Emails Reveal Students Were Secretly Gender Transitioned

A parental rights group in CA claims 23 students—8 of them elementary age—began social gender transitioning at school district without informed parental consent.
Elisa Waters Breaking Down Gender Binary

Teacher Calls for ‘Getting Rid of Girls and Boys’ to Break Gender Binary

Video shows NY teachers and admins conspiring to push transgenderism, alternative sexual orientations and “antiracist” on children especially Christians.
Guide To Protect Jewish Students Report

Guide To Protect Jewish Students Report

A report on campus antisemitism and recommendations for combating bigotry The number of antisemitic incidents in the U.S. has risen sharply over the last three...

EXCLUSIVE: Insiders Allege Florida University Spies to Root Out Conservatives, Disqualify White Male Job...

Conservatives took victory lap in early 2023 when Florida lawmakers defunded programs pushing DEI, but DEI policies remain at the University of Florida.

On Eve of Black History Month, Florida Rejects Pilot Course for African American Studies

Florida Dept. of Ed. rejected AP African American History course as content is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.