Books Depicting Graphic Sex Scenes Back in Virginia School Library

Books containing extremely graphic sex scenes and pictures were returned to a Virginia’s school library last week. The books—”Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe, and...

Congressional Hearing Sounds the Alarm on Chinese Communist Influence in K-12 Classrooms

Congressional hearing sounded alarm about CCP using Mandarin language programs to spread communist ideology and grow its soft power in America’s K-12 classrooms.
Schools Transitioning Children

IN-DEPTH: Braving the Thorns: A Mother Leads Her Daughter Away From Transgenderism

One Chinese Canadian mother armed with love, tolerance, and resilience fostered by her faith, journeyed to guide her daughter away from gender transition.

Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Banning Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill on May 7, 2021 banning the teaching of critical race theory in the state’s public and charter schools. Critical race theory is...
Teacher Pay

The Truth about Teacher Pay

One of the most common beliefs about American education is that teaching is an "underpaid" profession. Think tanks purport to calculate the "teacher pay...
National School Board Association

National School Board Association Could Take Million-Dollar Financial Hit as State Chapters Withdraw

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) could lose more than a million dollars in funding, as state chapters ended their membership and stopped paying...

Hearing Recap: Protecting Kids: Combatting Graphic, Explicit Content in School Libraries

Republicans are confident that pornographic materials should not be in children’s schools. Democrats? Not so sure. 

New Jersey Introduces Law to Ban Teaching Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

Two state Republican senators introduced legislation on Tuesday that would prohibit teaching critical race theory in New Jersey public schools. Sens. Michael Testa and Joe Pennacchio introduced a bill that would...

Washington school board fills vacancy with hyperwoke activist filmed branding cops ‘pigs’

A Washington school board has filled a vacancy on its board with Talauna ReedReed has caused controversy with comments that have been labeled 'anti-police'A video...
School Choice

In a Rebuke to Teachers Unions, School Choice Is Going Gangbusters in the States

Key Takeaways The events of the last year have demonstrated to many families that public schools are not always the reliable institutions many thought they...
Terry Schilling on War Room

Breaking News: Biden Regime Colluded With School Board Group to Paint Parents as Domestic...

Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project reacts to the breaking news that Biden’s Secretary of Education asked the National School Board Association to write a...

Major Donor Calls for Cornell University President’s to Resign for Allegedly Promoting DEI

‘DEI should never have been allowed to corrupt an institution that earned its prestige for exemplary academics based on merit,’ Mr. Lindseth said.