Michigan Democratic Party

Democrats On The Purpose of Public Education

It's not about parents rights! No sure where this "parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids" is originating, but parents do have the option to choose to send their kids to...

Schools Should Teach Declaration of Independence, Not CRT: 1776 Action

“But there’s a very well-funded and organized effort all over this country, that has made way too much headway, in teaching young Americans that their country is bad . . .”

Thomas Sowell on Charter Schools and Their Enemies

Recorded on July 1, 2020 ~ The day before this show was recorded, Dr. Thomas Sowell began his 10th decade of life. Remarkably on...

NYC Proposes New Rules to ‘Silence’ Parents Critical of Education Policies, Parents Say

Outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is trying to leave behind him a rule that could potentially silence parents who criticize school board policies, according to two parents...
Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic Host

Moms for Liberty Chapters Fighting for the Family in Schools Across the Country

Co-founders of Moms for Liberty join Steve Bannon in the Newsroom. Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich talk about their progress in the first year of fighting...
Gender Theory

IN-DEPTH: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition

Woman files lawsuit against school district for supporting daughter’s gender identity change resulting in her being threatened, bullied, and sexually trafficked.

Tackling Critical Race Theory: What It Is and Where It Is Being Banned

The presence of critical race theory (CRT) in K-12 education has become a prominent issue in some of the nation’s recent high-profile elections. In Virginia’s gubernatorial...

Parents Sued California After It Required Aztec Prayer in Public Schools: State Now Agrees...

State entities to publish public notice to all school districts about the changed policy; state to pay 100K in attorney fees California education authorities have agreed to...
LEP Podcast

The Elephant in the Classroom: Mass Immigration Imposing Colossal Cost and Challenges on Public...

Federal government is requiring tax payers to educate millions of illegal aliens, their school-age children, and unassimilated and unvetted refugees.

IN-DEPTH: ‘We’re Not Going to Keep Taking It’: Tempers Flare as Florida’s LGBT Community...

Despite efforts, members of the LGBT community in Florida find themselves losing debates, losing ground, and, more noticeably, losing their tempers.
Black Elementary Students Attacking White Students

‘A Learning Experience’: Video Shows Black Elementary Students Attacking White Students, Forcing Them to...

Surveillance video shows black students at Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio, attacking white students, forcing them to say “black lives matter.”

Florida School Board Moves to Censor Speakers and Prohibit Broadcast of Public Comments

'We’ve seen a taste of what can happen when there aren’t guidelines in place' In response to months of public backlash from parents and residents...