Arizona House of Representatives

Arizona House Passes Bill Requiring Schools Share Stories From People Who Fled Communism

The Republican-majority Arizona House on Friday approved a bill that could mandate that school teachers share stories from people who fled communism as part of the curriculum. The requirement is part...

Portland Community College: Take-5’s Critical Race Theory Decision Making Toolkit

In 2014, Portland Community College revised its mission statement to expressly incorporate critical race theory. Subsequently, it published online the “Portland Community College Critical...

New Law Requires Florida Students to Be Taught About ‘The Evils of Communism’

DeSantis signs trio of bills on civics education in K-12 schools, and freedom of speech in postsecondary education Specifically, HB 5 requires the Florida Department of Education to...
Educational Freedom

The Higher Education Bubble Has Popped

The higher education bubble has been rapidly inflating, threatening to pop at any moment. Over the past several decades, our culture has tipped the scales from...
United Educators of San Francisco

San Francisco teachers’ union gets pushback over BDS endorsement

San Francisco’s teachers union is drawing criticism from Jewish families after voting to endorse the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and releasing a statement accusing America’s Middle Eastern...

Virginia County’s Schools Warned to Revoke Teacher’s Suspension for Declining to Use Students’ Preferred...

In Virginia, Loudoun County Public Schools officials were warned Friday to revoke their suspension of a teacher for declining to use students’ preferred pronouns...

‘Anti-Racism’ Consultation for American Schools Is Becoming a Lucrative Business

In today’s environment of political correctness, a new service is capitalizing on American schools’ growing demand for “anti-racist” education. Ethnic studies consultants are making a...
Loudoun County Public Schools

Virginia teacher placed on leave for engaging in free speech at public meeting

ADF letter on behalf of teacher explains school district’s retaliation is unconstitutional, suspension must be reversed ASHBURN, Va. – Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter Friday to Loudoun...
Kristie Noem CPAC

‘1619 Project’ Has No Place in South Dakota, Kristi Noem Says

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has voiced stern opposition to teaching the “1619 Project” curriculum in the state’s schools. Noem, a Republican, took to Twitter on...

University of California System Will No Longer Consider SAT and ACT Scores for Admissions

The nine campuses of the University of California (UC) system will no longer consider standardized testing scores as part of the admission process beginning in the...

France Bans Some Gender-Neutral Language in Schools: ‘A Danger to Our Country’ and the...

The French government recently banned schools from using certain “gender-neutral” or “inclusive” language in schools, saying it would be destructive to the French language and would...

Teachers Union Presidents Support Full Return to In-person Schooling in Fall

The president of one of the largest teachers unions in the country announced Thursday that the union wants all schools to reopen for in-person schooling in...