Gender Confusion By Pedro Gonzalez

Trans Tyranny in Public Schools

Schools across the country have adopted a controversial policy of hiding the LGBT statuses of students from their parents. Sold to the public as...

Federal Judge Sides With Texas University President Who Called Off On-Campus Drag Show

Federal judge ruled WT did not violate students' First Amendment rights when calling off drag show deemed offensive to women in akin to blackface performances.
Local mother Stacy Langton

Across America, Parents Refuse To Be Intimidated By Biden’s Attorney General Labeling Them Domestic...

nstead of seeing mom as hero for protecting children from porn and pedophilia in school libraries, Garland declares war on America’s parents.

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Coach Changes in Locker Room With Shocked Pennsylvania High School Students

Transgender tennis coach changing in girls locker-room making students and parents uncomfortable. School board is divided on whether to renew coach’s contract.

Steve Jobs On The Necessity of Competition in Education

In a 1995 interview, Steve Jobs shared his thoughts on public education and how to improve the American educational system with competition.
Lawsuit launched over controversial law requiring Ten Commandments be displayed in Louisiana schools

Louisiana First State to Mandate Ten Commandments in Public Classrooms, Guided by Expert Testimony...

Baton Rouge, LA – Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a...

Win for Virginia Parents After Loudon County School Board Member Announces Resignation

Embattled Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board member Beth Barts, who was the subject of a recall petition, announced Friday that she will resign from...

House Passes Parents Bill of Rights Act

U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights Act, easily defeating a Democrat measure to recommit the legislation to committee.
Latinos Against Critical Race Theory

UCLA Creates Database to ‘Track Attacks on Critical Race Theory’

Faculty at UCLA School of Law have created a database to identify and record efforts to block CRT being taught in schools across the country.

‘Anti-Racism’ Consultation for American Schools Is Becoming a Lucrative Business

In today’s environment of political correctness, a new service is capitalizing on American schools’ growing demand for “anti-racist” education. Ethnic studies consultants are making a...
Schools Transitioning Children

Parents, Teachers Start Winning Court Battles Against Secret Gender Transition Policies

A revolt against government policies usurping parental authority is spreading—especially where lawmakers promote transgender ideology and "gender-affirming care".
U.S. Supreme Court

Next Week: Supreme Court Will Hear Potentially Landmark Maine School Choice Case

High Court will Resolve Whether States May Bar Parents Who Select Schools that Provide Religious Instruction from Participating in Student-Aid Program Arlington, Virginia—Next week, the...