
The News: U.S. Education

Florida High School Punished for Letting Boy Play on Female Sports Team

Allowing transgender student to play volleyball with girls violated state law and Florida High School Athletic Association policy so Florida high school was fined.
Schools Transitioning Children

IN-DEPTH: Braving the Thorns: A Mother Leads Her Daughter Away From Transgenderism

One Chinese Canadian mother armed with love, tolerance, and resilience fostered by her faith, journeyed to guide her daughter away from gender transition.
State Troopers Arrest Pro-Palestinian Protesters at University of Texas | WSJ News

UT–Austin Faculty Condemn School President for Arrests of Pro-Palestinian Protesters

Faculty group at UT–Austin called another protest after condemning president for enforcing school policy when students occupied campus protesting Israel’s strikes on Gaza.

Dueling Protests Divide US College Campuses as Israel–Hamas War Rages On

Escalating Middle East war has spilled into American colleges and universities, as dueling demonstrations generate anger and frustration among students and faculty.

Virginia Gov. Youngkin Grants ‘Absolute Pardon’ to Loudoun County Father Arrested at School Board...

Gov. Youngkin pardoned Loudoun County father who was arrested at a school board meeting in June 2021, weeks before father’s jury trial for disorderly conduct.

Major Donor Stops Donations to UPenn Over Its Response to Hamas Attacks on Israel

Ex-diplomat and governor Jon Huntsman rebukes his alma mater for 'silence in the face of reprehensible and historic Hamas evil against the people of Israel.'

Carol Swain Responds to Harvard President Plagiarism Revelations

Harvard Pres. Claudine Gay should be held to the same standard that she would be if she were another race or gender, said one scholar whose work she plagiarized.

Tennessee’s School Voucher Program Wins Latest Court Challenge

Supporters of school choice celebrated when a judicial panel dismissed legal claims from two lawsuits challenging Tennessee’s private school voucher law. The Educational Savings Account Program (ESA) gives families in Shelby and...

California School Spending $250,000 on ‘Woke Kindergarten’ Training as Test Scores Plunge

A Bay Area elementary school’s ‘Woke Kindergarten’ aimed to abolish education barriers through anti-racism efforts but lowered test scores instead.

Harvard President Claudine Gay Resigns Following Plagiarism Allegations, Antisemitism Testimony

Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned for plagiarism, a month after refusing to state that calling for the genocide of Jews constituted harassment.
Oklahoma state superintendent Ryan Walters: 'Every classroom in the state will have a Bible'

Oklahoma Superintendent Says Public Schools Must Teach the Bible

‘The Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country,’ state Superintendent Ryan Walters said.
Supreme Court

Supreme Court Declines to Take Up Transgender Bathroom Case

The Supreme Court won’t consider whether an Indiana middle school was required to let a transgender girl use the boys’ bathroom.