Mississippi, Illinois School Board Associations Withdraw From National Group Over ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Letter

Mississippi and Illinois have become the latest state school board groups to discontinue their membership in the National School Board Association (NSBA), citing disagreement over a letter...

Review Finds Plagiarism in Work of Harvard University’s President

Harvard University President Claudine Gay used "duplicative language" in her dissertation for a doctorate, the school stated this week.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Maine’s Ban on Funding for Religious Schools

Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a Maine law excluding families from student aid program if children go religious schools.
Civics Alliance

Anti-Woke ‘American Birthright’ Project Seeks to Restore Patriotism to State Education

National civics organization laid out academic standards for K–12 social studies classes to improve education and combat anti-American bias.
Stacy Langton

Virginia mom barred from son’s public school library after complaining about pornographic books

Stacy Langton gave impassioned speech Sept. 23 at school board meeting before a moderator cut her off A Virginia mother has been blocked from entering her son’s...
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on 'Special Report'

Secretary Betsy DeVos on state of education in America: We’re in trouble

Public schools are failing too many kids by not preparing them to be successful as adults, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos tells Bret Baier on...
Biden and Teachers Unions

From Academics To Activists: Teachers Unions ‘reimagine’ Spending Priorities

During the 2021 fiscal year, the two largest teachers unions in the US – the NEA and the AFT – collected approximately $575 million in dues from their members.

Tennessee’s School Voucher Program Wins Latest Court Challenge

Supporters of school choice celebrated when a judicial panel dismissed legal claims from two lawsuits challenging Tennessee’s private school voucher law. The Educational Savings Account Program (ESA) gives families in Shelby and...
School Classroom

New FAIR Cost Study: Biden Immigration Policies Impose Crushing Burden on Already-Strained Schools

Biden immigration policies impose crushing burden on already-strained schools FAIR report finds requiring annual expenditure of $78 billion.
School Kids in class

Preschool and Kindergarten Enrollment Drops 13 Percent Nationally

Public school enrollment in 2020–2021 fell by 3 percent nationally compared to a year earlier, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center...
Nations Report Card

‘Nation’s Report Card’: Pandemic Disruption Erodes 20 Years of Growth in Math, Reading Scores

American 9-year-olds suffered a dismal drop in their math and reading scores during COVID-19 pandemic, latest federal assessment data shows.
Lindsey Barr at McAllister Elementary School

Georgia Elementary Teacher Fired for Opposing Children’s Book Depicting Same-Sex Couples, Now Suing School

Substitute teacher was terminated from McAllister Elementary School after reporting children’s book containing illustrations that go against her religious values.