Rep. Chip Roy introduced the BEAT CHINA Act on Oct. 20, 2021.

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Bill to Expand Tax-Free Health Savings Accounts to All Americans

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) has introduced a bill that would make tax-free Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) available to all Americans.
Kaiser Permanente Anaheim, CA

Detransitioned Teen Girl Sues Kaiser Permanente Over Gender Transition Gone Wrong

Layla Jane, a detransitioned teen is suing Kaiser Permanente hospital because doctors removed her breasts during her transgender procedure when she was 13 years old.

CDC Warns of Dangerous Fungal Infection Spreading Through US at ‘Alarming Rate’

The CDC is warning of an increasingly drug-resistant emerging fungus, Candida auris, that the health agency says presents a “serious global health threat.”

Biden Admin Evaluating Mass Poultry Vaccination Amid Persistent Bird Flu Outbreak

Biden admin considering mass vaccination of poultry in response to ongoing outbreak of avian flu that killed millions of birds and spiked egg and poultry costs.

COVID-19 Can Damage Kidneys–Learn Ways to Strengthen and Prevent

TCM dietary conditioning one way to keep you away from kidney dialysis The liver and kidneys are two detoxification organs of the human body and...
ONG 52nd Civil Support Team members

East Palestine Residents Could See Long-Term Health Concerns From Toxic Chemicals: Researchers

Analysis shows residents of East Palestine could be subject to range of long-term health complications after finding 9 air pollutants at higher-than-normal levels.

With Large Injury Numbers, Is a Colonoscopy Even Worth It?

Mainstream medical consensus thinks that colonoscopies saves lives from colorectal cancer, but major European study with 84,585 people left doctors disappointed.
Moderna Spike Protein

Holy Grail of COVID-19 Spike Protein Detoxification

Far and away the most common question Dr. McCullough gets from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “How do I get this out of my body.”

Major Association of US Doctors Makes Official Statement on Transgender Procedures for Minors

AAPS is warning about “unknown and unknowable long-term risks” inherent to “gender-affirming care” in minors, adding consequences of surgery irreversible.
Lab Grown Meat’s Impending CANCER Problem.

‘We Could Eat Malignant Chicken Tumors by the Bucket Load’ – Lab Grown Meat’s...

Lab-grown meat, touted as “cruelty-free” food of the future by everyone from WEF to celebs like DiCaprio, may have fatal problem, according to Bloomberg story.

Residents in East Palestine ‘May Already Be Undergoing DNA Mutations,’ Lawyer Alleges

Lawyer representing plaintiffs who filed lawsuit after train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, alleged some residents may “already be undergoing DNA mutations” after incident.

Lab-Grown Meat Has a Bigger Problem Than the Lab

Leading scientists agree cultured meat products won’t give you cancer, but industry doesn’t have decades of data to prove it—so it’s avoiding the question.