Sen. Johnson Joins Sen. Cruz, Colleagues to Condemn DOJ Attempts to Silence Dissent About...

Ron Johnson and colleagues sent letter to AG Garland condemning DOJ's abuse of authority to stifle policy debate over minors experimental gender reassignments.

US Overdose Deaths Reach New High as Fentanyl and Meth Use Soars

Overdose deaths in U.S. reached new highs, peaking at nearly 108,000 in 2021, according to CDC data, amid increased fentanyl and meth use.

‘Affirmation at All Costs’: What Internal Files Reveal About Transgender Care

New report published by Environmental Progress (EP) highlights the potential dangers of “gender-affirming” medical care, based on internal files from WPATH.

100% of Cancer Patients in Remission After Monoclonal Antibody Trial: ‘Tumors just vanished’

Researchers just published a new study that, for the first time, found a treatment that completely removed rectal cancer in every patient that participated—meaning that every...

Unexpected Side Effects of Ultrasound Gel

This widely used endocrine disruptor may be harming your unborn baby In 2017, Emalee Morem was 40 weeks pregnant with her first child. At the...

New Study Could Turn Autism Research On Its Head

Recent meta-analysis of 25 autism studies could change focus of research into the cause of autism from genetics to certain factors in your external environment.

‘Potent Neurotoxin’ Thimerosal Is Still Used in Some Flu Vaccines, Scientist Says

Removal of mercury from U.S. vaccines was recommended over two decades ago, yet some flu vaccines contain up to 25 micrograms of thimerosal.

Teen Suffers From Autoimmune Disease After Taking HPV Vaccine, Lawsuit Filed Against Merck

A lawsuit filed against Merck by individual who allegedly suffered multiple medical complications after being injected with HPV vaccine, Gardasil, as teenager.

American Spending on Top 20 Drugs Nearly Doubles the Rest of the World Combined

The United States outspent every other country in the world combined when it came to the top-selling 20 pharmaceutical drugs, according to a recent...
Lab Grown Meat’s Impending CANCER Problem.

‘We Could Eat Malignant Chicken Tumors by the Bucket Load’ – Lab Grown Meat’s...

Lab-grown meat, touted as “cruelty-free” food of the future by everyone from WEF to celebs like DiCaprio, may have fatal problem, according to Bloomberg story.
UCI medical staff receives a COVID-19 vaccination

Why Long COVID and Vaccine Injuries Look so Similar: Expert Explains

Brianne Dressen never had SARS-CoV-2, but after given AstraZeneca vaccine in clinical trial, she developed symptoms similar to long COVID.

Research Finds Safer Way to Detect Colon Polyps

Study by researchers from Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Harvard Med School, and MA General Hospital linked precancerous colon polyps to specific gut bacteria.