US Childhood Vaccinations Drop for 3rd Consecutive Year: CDC

The percentage of school-aged American children who’ve received routine childhood vaccines, while still high, has dropped again during the past school year.

The Vax, Football, and the Left

In the wake of the Damar Hamlin medical scare, the Leftists see an opening to score political points insist on vaccine conformity and disparage football.

‘I Lived in Hell for the Past 10 Years’: Navy SEAL Veteran Detransitions After...

Navy SEAL combat veteran Chris Beck had hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery and went by “Kristin” for years before he realized that he’d been had.

‘Transition or Die’ Is Flawed Premise Pushing Transgender Hormones, Surgeries for Youths, New Guide...

Some parents have been told that if they fail to support a gender-questioning child’s desire to “transition” to the opposite gender, their child may commit suicide.

New Data Emerges Of 1,100+ Adolescent ‘Gender Affirming’ Mastectomies

A new study of nationwide hospital databases found that at least 1,130 adolescents between 2016 and 2019 received “gender-affirming” chest surgeries in the U.S.

Pennsylvania Taxpayers Have Paid $16 Million for Childhood Sex Reassignment Treatments

Switching genders is expensive. But low-income children in Pennsylvania are covered under medical assistance through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in White Oak, Md., on June 5, 2023

Blood Pressure Medication Recalled Over Cancer-Causing Chemical

Aurobindo Pharma USA is voluntarily recalling two lots of blood pressure medication because of high levels of nitrosamine, the U.S. FDA said.
California's Pro-Kidnapping Bill

California’s New Pro-Kidnapping Bill Is Pure Evil — And Here’s Why Republicans MUST Copy...

Wiener is in national news again, as the prime mover behind California’s latest legislative innovation: helping parents kidnap children in order to trannify them.

23 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo and Radiation

An important scientific review identifies 23 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy

Sen. Johnson Joins Sen. Cruz, Colleagues to Condemn DOJ Attempts to Silence Dissent About...

Ron Johnson and colleagues sent letter to AG Garland condemning DOJ's abuse of authority to stifle policy debate over minors experimental gender reassignments.

Top Medical Center to Pause Transgender Surgeries on Minors After Backlash

A top medical center in Tennessee is pausing the removal of breasts and other procedures that it says were performed on transgender youth in recent years.

US Buys $290 Million Worth of Drugs in Preparation for Nuclear Emergencies

HHS is buying $290 million worth of drugs as part of “long-standing, efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.”