
Developed Nations Requiring the Most Infant Vaccines Linked With Higher Childhood Mortality Rates: Study

Highly developed nations requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study.

Research Finds Safer Way to Detect Colon Polyps

Study by researchers from Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Harvard Med School, and MA General Hospital linked precancerous colon polyps to specific gut bacteria.
Kaiser Permanente Anaheim, CA

Detransitioned Teen Girl Sues Kaiser Permanente Over Gender Transition Gone Wrong

Layla Jane, a detransitioned teen is suing Kaiser Permanente hospital because doctors removed her breasts during her transgender procedure when she was 13 years old.
Sugar Cubes

3 Blood Sugar Imbalances That Affect Your Ability to Manage Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity

Blood sugar stability may be the least exotic but most important lifestyle change for autoimmunity and chronic health conditions.

New Data Emerges Of 1,100+ Adolescent ‘Gender Affirming’ Mastectomies

A new study of nationwide hospital databases found that at least 1,130 adolescents between 2016 and 2019 received “gender-affirming” chest surgeries in the U.S.
Double mastectomy for the purposes of treating gender dysphoria.

‘Yeet the teet’ doctor poses with teen patient after double mastectomies

A young patient, a biological girl, posing with her doctor after a double mastectomy for the purposes of treating gender dysphoria.

The Vax, Football, and the Left

In the wake of the Damar Hamlin medical scare, the Leftists see an opening to score political points insist on vaccine conformity and disparage football.
Catfish kept at Kindai University Aquaculture Research Institute's Shingu Station

Researchers in Japan use soybean compound to make catfish 100% female

SHINGU, Wakayama -- A team of researchers in Japan has succeeded in making catfish all female with a compound found in soybeans -- a...

Valisure Detects Benzene in Sunscreen

Valisure Detects High Levels of Known Human Carcinogen Benzene in Several Sunscreen Products and Requests FDA Actions 78 sunscreen and after-sun care products contained benzene,...

Shocking Truth About Gender Reassignment Surgeries

A visit to a clinic and 10-year-old’s statements to leading questions resulted in child’s biological identity getting recorded falsely in child’s medical record.

Study Says Cutting Off Breasts Beneficial to Trans-Identifying Youth, But Critic Calls It ‘Terrifying’

Controversy grows over study on impacts of surgically removing breasts from biologically female patients as young as 13 who struggle with gender-related distress.

Doctor Groups Push DOJ to Probe ‘Disinformation’ on Meds, Surgeries for Trans-Identifying Youths

American medical groups urging DOJ to “investigate and prosecute organizations, individuals, and entities” sharing info deemed false about transgender medical treatments for minors.