Media & Tech

Media & Big Tech

Left Targets Elon Musk for Promoting Free Speech

Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton discusses Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter with the hopes of being able to restore free speech on the platform, and the Left outrage.
Investigating The Twitter Files

Elon Musk Calls Out ‘Corporate Journalism’ Over Coverage of His ‘Twitter Files’

“Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?” Musk wrote on Twitter in response to a tweet from journalist Leighton Woodhouse.
Twitter Staff Had a ‘Fauci Fan Club’

Elon Musk Reveals Twitter Staff Had a ‘Fauci Fan Club’

Elon Musk said Twitter employees had internal group on Slack that was fan club for WH chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, showing staff’s political leanings.
FBI and Twitter

In Response to the Twitter Files, Establishment Media Rushes to Defend the FBI

FBI responded to revelations from The Twitter Files in most predictable way imaginable: by calling the journalists who reported on them “conspiracy theorists.”

New ‘Twitter Files’ Show Company Suppressed COVID Information From Doctors and Experts

Twitter succumbed to feds to moderate COVID-19 content and blocked post by a scientist who offered critical feedback against COVID-19 vaccines in 2021.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: How Twitter Rigged the COVID Debate

David Zweig shares how Twitter rigged COVID debate by censoring what was true, but inconvenient to U.S. gov policy, by discrediting doctors and experts and users.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: Twitter and the Other Government

FBI didn’t refute Twitter Files allegations. Instead, it decried “conspiracy theorists” publishing “misinformation,” whose “sole aim” is to “discredit the agency.”
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: More On The FBI & The Hunter Biden Laptop

FBI took Hunter Biden's laptop in 2019 and knew it wasn't a hacking. They told Twitter a "hack-and-leak" would occur in 2020 and spied on Giuliani when he gave laptop to NY Post.

Musk Signals Support for Congressional Probe Into FBI’s Alleged Censorship Efforts

Following latest revelations from “Twitter Files,” Musk indicated he would support congressional investigation into FBI’s efforts to censor social media users.
Questioning Twitter's Elon Musk

Elon Musk Says He Will Resign as Twitter CEO but Remain Involved in Key...

Elon Musk will step down as Twitter CEO but run the software and servers teams when he can find someone foolish enough to take the job as suitable replacement.
U.S. Central Command and Twitter

‘Twitter Files’ Show Company ‘Directly Assisted’ in US Military Psychological Operations

Lee Fang released the latest installment of the “Twitter Files” showing how the social media platform “quietly aided” U.S. intelligence officials’ online campaigns.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign

Lee Fang of The Intercept, released Part 8 of the Twitter Files show that the social media giant directly assisted the U.S. military’s influence operations.