Twitter Public Policy

Documents Uncover Secret Twitter Portal US Government Used to Censor COVID-19 Content

New documents reveal how the United States government used a secret Twitter portal to censor COVID-19 content that contradicted the government’s narrative.
Duck Duck Go Search Engine

DuckDuckGo Announces Purge of Independent Media – “Only MSM Allowed”

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg announced on Twitter that the search engine will begin purging all independent media outlets from the platform and will replace...

Don’t Like Twitter’s New CEO? Blame Paul Singer

Thousands of user accounts vanished from Twitter shortly after new Chief Executive Parag Agrawal took the reins in November from the outgoing CEO, Jack...
Parler Logo

Parler Social Media Platform is Back Online

On February 15, 2021 the Parler social media platform announced that they would finally be coming back online this week with new servers and...
Naomi Wolf

Former Clinton Adviser Naomi Wolf Banned From Twitter Over COVID-19 Vaccine Claims

Former Bill Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf, who has been critical of vaccine passports and media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been permanently suspended...
Candace Owens vs Mark Zuckerberg

Candace Owens “Facebook is trying to delete me!”

Everyone PLEASE take 5 minutes of your day to watch this video—and more importantly, to SHARE this post. Candace Owens has been warning everybody...
Hugh Kirkpatrick on War Room

Publisher Cancels God Bless The USA Bible dubbed ‘Trump Bible’

Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA Bible” has been canceled by publisher Harper Collins. Hugh Kirkpatrick has been working with Greenwood on the project...
from facebook

Facebook Reverses Decision to Ban Content that Supports Hydroxychloroquine as a Therapy for COVID-19

Oversight Board overturns Facebook decision: Case 2020-006-FB-FBR The Oversight Board has overturned Facebook’s decision to remove a post which it claimed, “contributes to the risk...
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: Twitters Secret Blacklists

What really happened with suppression of conservative influencers on Twitter? Read second installment in series of internal docs obtained by sources at Twitter.
Social Media Censored

Whose BANNED or leaving Social Platforms and where can I find them?

Social media sites are banning, deactivating and censoring conservatives, including President Trump. America is becoming Communist China. We will keep a list of where...

The PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident

PayPal reserved the right to confiscate $2,500 from people’s accounts if they spread “misinformation. PayPal has enlisted in the information war.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: The Removal of Donald Trump Oct 2020 – Jan 6th 2021

Matt Taibbi post the first installment in a series of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter regarding removal of Donald Trump from Twitter.