James O’Keefe Responds To Twitter Account Suspension Following Bombshell CNN Tapes

Twitter permanently suspended James O’Keefe’s personal account on the platform today, following a series of bombshell undercover videos of a CNN employee. The tech giant...
Naomi Wolf on War Room Pandemic

How You Can Stand Up To Tyranny And Lobby Reps

Naomi Wolf talks to host Steve Bannon about how the Gettr engineers are working with her dailyclout.io team to create a new powerful tool...
The New Stassi

Libs of TikTok Doxing Uncovers Secret Hacker-Government Mercenary Alliance Behind Regime’s War on MAGA...

American dissidents of all stripes are ablaze with anger after The Washington Post’s most repugnant reporter, Taylor Lorenz, published yet another piece trying to ruin someone...
Suspended By YouTube

The Thinking Conservative Suspended By YouTube Again

YouTube has once again stopped The Thinking Conservative from sharing actual video footage of news events because the video does not fit the Radical...

Revolver Uncovers Buried Details on Just Who’s Funding Newsguard’s Fraudulent “Covid Fact-Checking” Scam

Nowhere is the scam of “disinformation” journalism more apparent than in the services of a shadowy company called Newsguard.

PART 1: CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency...

‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’ … ‘I Came to CNN Because I Wanted to Be a Part of That’ CNN Technical...

UPDATE: Facebook folds, rescinds ban on children’s book publisher after conservative backlash

After notifying upstart children's imprint its account was "permanently disabled" for advertising illustrated biographies of Ronald Reagan, Thomas Sowell, and Amy Coney Barrett, the...
Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic Host

600 TB Of Personal Data Stolen From Facebook By Hackers?

Big Tech and transhumanism expert Joe Allen talked to host Steve Bannon and co-host Jack Posobiec about the Internet outage that brought down Facebook,...

Shiva First Amendment Lawsuit: First case in U.S. to show government made Twitter silence...

On September of 2020, after Dr. SHIVA exposed and shared evidence – screenshots of four emails with the Secretary of State that the Government...

CNN Director Charlie Chester ADMITS CNN Coverage of Congressman Matt Gaetz Is ‘Propaganda’

Journalist: Does CNN use propaganda? Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director: I don't know, I - yeah, I - Journalist: Okay, can you define propaganda for me?...
Twitter and the CCP

The threats and violence Twitter won’t police

Of late, much attention has been focused on acts of censorship by Twitter. What has garnered far less attention is what Twitter chooses not to...
Vivek Ramaswamy

Parler ban was ‘state action in the clothing of private enterprise’: Vivek Ramaswamy

Roivant Sciences CEO Vivek Ramaswamy calls Big Tech’s actions against the social media site a ‘First Amendment violation.’ on Fox and Friends. Watch the latest...