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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Jeff Younger with his son, James.

Texas Father Fears Custody Ruling Could Mean Chemical Castration for 10-Year-Old Son

Texas father in custody battle fears court ruling could allow ex-wife to move to California and medically transition 10-year-old son to girl.

Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The...
Naomi Wolf

Former Clinton Adviser Naomi Wolf Banned From Twitter Over COVID-19 Vaccine Claims

Former Bill Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf, who has been critical of vaccine passports and media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been permanently suspended...
Strzok Comey McCabe

New DOJ Notes Reveal FBI Panic After Trump Tweeted He Knew He Was Being...

Newly released notes taken by DOJ officials during a March 6, 2017, meeting with FBI expose cover up of spying on 2016 campaign of Trump.
Senate Judiciary Committee

Judiciary Committee Releases Transcripts of Interviews Conducted During Oversight of Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Graham, released transcripts of interviews into the origins and aftermath of Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

‘When You Think ESG, You Should Be Thinking CCP’: Peter Thiel

In his keynote address to the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, venture capitalist Peter Thiel said environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is “perhaps the real...
Biden-Harris Regime

Declassified Military Report Exposes Hidden Links Between Wokeness and The American Regime

Wokeness is connected to the specific manner in which the United States exercises its power and influence domestically and overseas.
Candace Owens vs Mark Zuckerberg

Candace Owens “Facebook is trying to delete me!”

Everyone PLEASE take 5 minutes of your day to watch this video—and more importantly, to SHARE this post. Candace Owens has been warning everybody...
Hugh Kirkpatrick on War Room

Publisher Cancels God Bless The USA Bible dubbed ‘Trump Bible’

Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA Bible” has been canceled by publisher Harper Collins. Hugh Kirkpatrick has been working with Greenwood on the project...
John Sipher

CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit for Trump Loss

One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing...

Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school...

Buta Biberaj, who received $860K from Soros-led PAC, joined McAuliffe rally this month The Loudoun County prosecutor who sought jail time against a father who...
from facebook

Facebook Reverses Decision to Ban Content that Supports Hydroxychloroquine as a Therapy for COVID-19

Oversight Board overturns Facebook decision: Case 2020-006-FB-FBR The Oversight Board has overturned Facebook’s decision to remove a post which it claimed, “contributes to the risk...