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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Parent Who Criticized CRT at Illinois School Board Meeting Speaks Out

“Critical race theory” (CRT) and ideologies related to it have become embedded in U.S. school systems. The doctrine that America is fundamentally racist so all social...
Kids at 2022 Capital Pride Parade

Savanah Hernandez Interviews Kids at 2022 Capital Pride Parade

Savanah Hernandez covers the 2022 Capital Pride Parade in Washington D.C., interviewing two kids about their gender and sexuality.

The PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident

PayPal reserved the right to confiscate $2,500 from people’s accounts if they spread “misinformation. PayPal has enlisted in the information war.
Ben Harnwell on War Room Pandemic

Europe’s Radical Climate Spending Is Wearing Working Class Citizens Down By Design

Ben Harnwell reports from Rome on the climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, where Joe Biden today surrendered more U.S. sovereignty by announcing new methane...
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: The Removal of Donald Trump Oct 2020 – Jan 6th 2021

Matt Taibbi post the first installment in a series of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter regarding removal of Donald Trump from Twitter.

Alec Baldwin ignored the golden rule of gun safety by pointing pistol at someone,...

Experts say that Alec Baldwin and the Rust crew ignored several critical gun safety rules that could have avoided the tragic death of cinematographer...
Hannah Tubbs

California trans child molester Hannah Tubbs gloats over light sentence in jailhouse phone calls

Hannah Tubbs, 26-year-old trans child molester who received slap on the wrist after molesting a 10-year-old in 2014, gloats over light punishment.
Environmental activists participate in a Global Climate Strike

Meteorologists, Scientists Explain Why There Is ‘No Climate Emergency’

There's no climate emergency and alarmist messaging by global elites is purely political said 1,609 scientists and pros when signing "World Climate Declaration."

DeSantis Took on Washington in 2021

TALLAHASSEE, Florida—While much of the country bundles up around the holidays, Floridians revel in bragging about their “T-shirt weather.” It’s not unusual for December temperatures to...
National Education Association Logo

Largest Teachers’ Union Quietly Removes Pro-CRT Agenda Items From Website

The nation’s largest teachers’ union has quietly taken down a series of adopted and proposed resolutions from its website, including one that calls for...
Granada Hill Charter High School

PERK Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Teachers and Educators of Granada Hills High School

The First Teachers and Educators in the State of California Fired for Refusing to Take the Shot On Friday, Jan. 14, 2022, the Protection of...

Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64

The death rate for those aged 18-64 has risen an astonishing 40% over pre-pandemic levels, according to the CEO of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica. "We are...