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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Kansas Governor Vetoes Bill Restricting Foreign Ownership of Land Near Military Bases

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed bill to prevent companies of China and “foreign adversaries” from acquiring real property near military installations in state.
Gov. Newsom unveils California budget proposal for 2024

Newsom’s Budget Redo Will Tell Us What’s Getting Cut, Who’s Getting Taxed in California

With California facing a record budget deficit, many are looking to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s release of his revised budget May 10 to offer clarity and solutions.
Don King Tells Us Why Donald Trump Is Not a Racist

Boxing Promoter Don King Endorses Trump for President

The 92 year old iconic boxing promoter, Don King, has endorsed former President Donald Trump for president in the 2024 election.
Protesters at Fordham University in New York, May 1, 2024.

Communist Activists Using Pro-Palestinian Protests to Foment ‘Real Revolution’

Communist organizations are sparking unrest and fueling tension by distributing pamphlets en masse during pro-Palestinian rallies in New York.
Mike Davis Talks Facts About Trump Legal Cases

5 Pillars of Biden Democrats’ Criminal Case Against Trump

Article III Projects' Mike Davis talks about facts in Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and other Trump cases, and he gets into the legal meat of those cases.
Starbucks' fix needs to begin at home, former CEO Howard Schultz says

Starbucks in Trouble; What to Do?

Fewer people want to or even are able to pay that much for a cup of Joe, especially since there are many other choices without Starbucks’s relatively high prices.
Jack Smith and Donald Trump

Jack Smith Has Few Options in Trump Case, Say Former Prosecutors

Federal judge’s ruling that postponed Trump’s classified documents case represents a significant legal win for former president Trump, legal analysts say.

500 Individuals Recount Discrimination, Sexual Harassment at FDIC in New 200-Page Report

FDIC failed to provide employees a safe workplace free from “sexual harassment, discrimination, and other interpersonal misconduct,” report concluded.
Trump Can't Speak About Stormy . . .But Biden is Still Destroying America

Judge Delays Trump Documents Trial, Won’t Set New Date

Judge Cannon reset deadlines in case Jack Smith is prosecuting against Trump, blowing past original May 20 trial date with pretrial deadlines running through July.
Mike Davis Talks Facts About Trump Legal Cases

Georgia Appeals Court Agrees to Review Fani Willis Disqualification Ruling

GA Court of Appeals agreed to review decision allowing DA Willis to stay on case against Trump if she removed special prosecutor to avoid appearance of impropriety.
Biden is Attacking His Political Opponent!

Trump May Seek Sanctions, to Dismiss Charges After Jack Smith Admission

In addition to docs not being in same order with prosecutors unaware of reason, prosecutors acknowledged scans provided to defense were made by outside vendor.
Biden is Attacking His Political Opponent!

Trump Says He’s Willing to Go to Jail After Judge’s Contempt of Court Order

President Trump said that he is willing to go to jail after a New York judge threatened to incarcerate him for what he said are violations of his gag order.