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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Adam Schiff meets with CCP Official

Rep. Adam Schiff Met With Former Chairman Of Chinese Communist Party’s Foreign Influence Operations.

The California Congressman has been a leading proponent of the Russiagate hoax, the impeachment hoax, and now the January 6th hoax. All after he...
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)

YouTube Temporarily Suspends Sen. Johnson’s Channel Over Vaccine Injury Panel

YouTube has again suspended Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-Wis.) channel over a roundtable that featured people who say they were injured by COVID-19 vaccines and experts...
Donald Trump Tweets on Twitter

Trump Responds to Question on If He Will Rejoin Twitter

Hours before Twitter owner Elon Musk reinstated former President Donald Trump’s account nearly two years after it was suspended, Trump suggested Saturday that he has no interest...

Those Who ‘Master’ Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology Will Be ‘Master of the World’: Klaus...

WEF Chairman, Klaus Schwab, during event in Dubai, called on global governments to work together and control new technologies like AI to decide fate of humankind.

15-Minute Cities Are ‘Complete Impoverishment and Enslavement of All the People’: EU Lawmaker

Christine Anderson believes COVID passports and QR codes were test runs for implementing “15-minute cities” aimed at tightening government control over people.

Updated Daily: RV Vehicle Explosion in Nashville seems to be an intentional act

Information on the RV vehicle explosion in Nashville, Tennessee is updated daily with newest press conferences and other information. Newest information is posted at...

Worksheet at Boston High School Suggests Assassinations as Legitimate Form of Resisting ‘Oppression’

Charlestown High School in Boston indoctrinating children learning English to incite violence as a form of resistance to alleged oppressors.

General Motors Funds Transgenderism Efforts in Children’s Classrooms

General Motors provided grant to pro-transgender organization suppling kindergarten and elementary classrooms with children’s books that support its ideology.

Parents Sued California After It Required Aztec Prayer in Public Schools: State Now Agrees...

State entities to publish public notice to all school districts about the changed policy; state to pay 100K in attorney fees California education authorities have agreed to...

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Coach Changes in Locker Room With Shocked Pennsylvania High School Students

Transgender tennis coach changing in girls locker-room making students and parents uncomfortable. School board is divided on whether to renew coach’s contract.
Hunter Biden and Biolabs

Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From...

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was instrumental in funding a firm conducting pathogen and anthrax research in Ukrainian biolabs.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Ambiguous Tax Mandate Provision in Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Relief Package

A federal judge issued a permanent injunction on Thursday to block the ambiguous tax mandate in President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. U.S....