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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Starbucks Manager Quits Over Woke Culture That Led to Bullying, Division

Award-winning manager says company’s ‘anti-racist’ indoctrination led to choice between 'my morals, my values, my beliefs—or my job' Amanda Wannagat was an exemplary Starbucks store manager. Wannagat had...
Marco Polo: Report On The Hunter Biden Laptop

Marco Polo: Report on the Biden Laptop

The Marco Polo research group wrote The Report on the Biden Laptop to withstand the test of time for its thorough and sober explanation of the situation.

Bill Gates Admits There’s Lots of ‘Climate Exaggeration’

Bill Gates appeared to reverse course on some of his previous climate change remarks and suggested that some activists have made alarmist predictions.

CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy

CNN settled multimillion-dollar defamation lawsuit filed by Nick Sandmann over false coverage of confrontation with Native American elder.
2021 Virginia Middle School Youth Survey

Virginia Parents Raise Concerns Over ‘Extremely Invasive’ Survey That Promotes ‘Early Sexualization’

'It's normalizing really dark things' Virginia parents are raising concerns over what they feel is an “extremely invasive” survey being given to school students that...

Unexpected Side Effects of Ultrasound Gel

This widely used endocrine disruptor may be harming your unborn baby In 2017, Emalee Morem was 40 weeks pregnant with her first child. At the...

Whistlerblower says Hasbro Pushing Critical Race Theory on Kids

BREAKING: Project Veritas unveils a new whistleblower from inside @Hasbro who says the company is secretly pushing critical race theory on kids across the...

Tap Water Database Lists Toxins by Zip Code

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has updated its database on tap water in the United States, revealing where testing has detected potentially deadly pollutants in the nation’s...

Recent Case of Severe Microwave Syndrome Reveals Problems With 5G

After 5G base station was installed within 60 meters of apt, Swedish woman developed debilitating symptoms corresponding with radiofrequenc /microwave syndrome.

Animal Contraceptive and Antibiotics Detected in Top 10 Popular Fast Foods: Report

Two types of animal antibiotics and an animal contraceptive have been detected in food samples from America’s top 10 most popular fast-food chains.
Project Veritas

Project Veritas: The Secret Curriculum – Part 1

Assistant principal’s hiring discrimination ensures ‘subtle’ child indoctrination; you don’t hire Catholics, they are more ‘conservative.

Candace Owens vs Mark Zuckerberg and Fact Checkers

Our freedoms are being stripped away. The overlords of Big Tech are determining what Americans can and cannot say, share, like, and post. Support...