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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Quisha King on War Room Pandemic

Quisha King – Gender Ideology Indoctrination in American Public Schools

Quisha King, director of Moms for America, reacts to the sexualization of pre-schoolers by left-wing sociopaths. The segment begins with chilling video clips of...

Goldman Sachs Releases Recession Manual to Prepare Clients for Downturn

Goldman Sachs investment bank’s equity team has just released a recession manual for its clients on how to prepare for a downturn.

The Lie of Charlottesville Revisited – Candidate Biden’s First Lie

Comments and accusations were improperly growing that slammed President Trump as a racist and white supremacist. This never would have occurred if the media practiced...

The Zelensky Narrative is Shifting

The reality of Zelensky's rule in Ukraine is becoming undeniable, even to his most ardent enablers in America, many of them Republicans.
Epstein, Maxwell and President Bill Clinton

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and President Bill Clinton smile together in never-before-seen images

New photos show Epstein and Maxwell were VIP guests in Clinton's White House https://t.co/E9xxkbow1U pic.twitter.com/hvpzBgexRk— New York Post (@nypost) April 25, 2021 Ahead of...

Rare Solar Superstorm Could Prompt ‘Internet Apocalypse’ Lasting Several Months: Study

The “black swan” event of a solar superstorm directed at earth could prompt an “internet apocalypse” across the entire globe that could last for several...

Trump Knew ‘100 Percent’ He Was ‘Fighting for the Little Guy’: Former Top Trump...

Former President Donald Trump pursued policies that fought against a drift into socialism and culminated in an “absolute success story for the little guy,” according to Kevin...

Responses to the NEW George Floyd Body Cam Footage!!!

Commentators share opinions on the new George Floyd body cam footage leaked out in August 2020 and discuss his arrest and death.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building

IRS Sends Out Alert to Millions of Americans Over Deadline

Internal Revenue Service issued an alert to millions of taxpayers who filed for a an extension earlier this year that their filing deadline is in mid-October.
Not Fucking Around Coalition

Leader’s Arrest Quiets One of America’s Largest Militias

https://youtu.be/yyUKbgGHnh4 One of America’s largest militias has been inactive since its leader’s arrest—and it’s not the Oath Keepers. The group in question is the Not Fu*king Around Coalition...
John Durham speaks at a conference

Special Counsel: Shielded Documents Would Bolster Case Against Ex-Clinton Lawyer

Federal judge granted motion from Durham to review documents that Hillary’s campaign and other parties claimed were protected by privilege.
Sexual Consent Candies

Global Network Promotes ‘Sexual Rights’ for Children

Trifecta of powerful globalist organizations is executing plan to teach kindergarteners about sexuality and "empower" children to say yes to sexual encounters.