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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Florida woman who found Ashley Biden’s diary in ‘halfway house’ is under FBI investigation

Aimee Harris is under investigation for selling Ashley Biden's diary after president's daughter left it behind at Palm Beach 'halfway house'

Bill Gates-Funded Company Releases Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in US

Genetically modified mosquitoes have been released for the first time in the United States, as part of an experiment to combat insect-borne diseases such...
Omicron COVID-19 Variant

Omicron Makes Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Obsolete

There is no evidence so far that vaccines are reducing infections from the fast-spreading variant. Federal courts considering the Biden administration’s vaccination mandates—including the Supreme...

10 Reasons to Recall Gavin Newsom

1. He failed to prepare for Covid vaccine distributions – making California LAST in the nation in getting vaccines out to its people...
AG Letitia James Campaigns on Destroying Trump

Court Orders NY Attorney General to Withdraw Letter Saying $464 Million Trump Bond Not...

The court ordered AG Letitia James to remove letter asking it not to consider the $464 million bond Trump needs to post because its a ”practical impossibility”.

Fauci’s agency spent over $400k on experiments grafting aborted fetal scalps onto mice and...

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the federal health agency run for decades by celebrated White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci,...
The Durham Investigation

Infographic: Timeline of the Durham Investigation

The investigation by special counsel John Durham into the origins of the FBI’s Russia–Trump investigation—Crossfire Hurricane—has now been active for more than two years. Appointed by Attorney...

FBI changes story, finally admits it has thousands of pages of documents about Seth...

After three years of claiming that it could not find any records about murdered Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich, the FBI admitted today...
John Paul Mac Issac

Larry C. Johnson Interviews John Paul Mac Isaac — The American Patriot Who Was...

This is the story of an American patriot, an honorable man, John Paul Mac Isaac, who tried to do the right thing and is...

BREAKING: Forensic Experts Find Mathematical ‘Red Flags’ In First Round of Brazilian Presidential Election.

Dossier by experts well-versed in election statistics and electoral anomalies find mathematical ‘red flags’ in first round of Brazilian presidential election.

Meta Attorneys: Facebook Fact Check Labels Are Opinion

Labels placed on posts on Facebook accompanying so-called fact-checks are opinion, lawyers for the social media platform’s parent company said in a recent court filing. Television host...
The McCullough Family

How My Family Beat COVID-19

We knew catching COVID was inevitable, so we strengthened ourselves and prepared a protocol My family contracted COVID-19 in mid-summer of 2021. We fully recovered within 2...