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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Devin Nunes on National Security Council leaks, Bidens and Roger Stone Sentencing

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., says the National Security Council is most likely responsible for many leaks. He discusses the Biden's corruption, proprietorial misconduct with...

Rudy Giuliani lays out the Biden’s corruption in Ukraine

Rudy Giuliani joins "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine and elsewhere.  Transcript of Maria Bartiromo Interview...
Mitt Romney

Messages for Mitt Romney about impeachment vote

Judge Jeanine's opening statement to Mitt Romney After voting to convict President Trump in the Senate impeachment trial, it's time for the junior senator from...

Hannity: Truth and facts matter, just not to Democrats; but Trump continues winning anyway!

In Sean Hannity's monologue he discusses the wins for President Trump including winning the impeachment hoax, great job numbers, terrorist eliminated, draining the...

Treasury complies with Senate probe into Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine

Sensitive financial documents from Joe Biden's son Hunter are now in the hands of Senate Republicans; Mike Emanuel reports from Capitol Hill. Sandra Smith:...

Pam Bondi: It’s disappointing that Romney bought into Schiff’s lies

Pam Bondi, member of the President's defense team, visits Fox and Friends to discuss Trump's acquittal and Dems desire to overturn the 2020 election....

Jim Jordan on Trump’s acquittal: Truth wins in the end

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, discusses President Trump's powerful State of the Union address and says the Democratic Party will never stop attacking the Commander-in-Chief....

President Trump acquitted by Senate on both articles of impeachment

President Trump acquitted by Senate on both articles of impeachment. Votes fell well short of two-thirds majority needed to remove President Trump from office...
President Donald Trump Defense Arguments Senate Impeachment Trial Day 13

Video Playlist: Senators explaining their upcoming votes | Senate Impeachment Trial Day 13

Senators weighed in February 5, 2020 on whether they planned to vote to remove or not to remove Trump from office later in the...
President Donald Trump Defense Arguments Senate Impeachment Trial All Days

Links to Videos and Transcripts | Senate Impeachment Trial Days All

Senate impeachment trial days provide links to articles which include videos, and in some cases, transcripts for all the days of the Senate impeachment...
The Trump White House

President Trump Is Fighting For Every Family’s Freedom To Choose The Best Possible Education...

For decades, countless children have been trapped in failing government schools. In my Administration, these children are forgotten no longer. President Donald J....

Video and Transcript: Senator Rand Paul says Dems did exactly what they accused the...

Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., took to the Senate floor on Feb. 4, 2020 to criticize Democrats’ efforts to impeach President Donald Trump and remove...