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Senators explaining their upcoming votes during the Senate impeachment trial day 12.

Video Playlist: Senators explaining their upcoming votes | Senate Impeachment Trial Day 12

During the Senate impeachment trial day 12 on February 4, 2020 Senators weighed in for the second day on how they will vote on...
Trump's U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial Fox News

LIVE: President Donald Trump’s U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial

Recorded LIVE: rump acquitted by Senate on both articles of impeachment U.S. Senators deliver last remarks ahead of final impeachment vote. The roll call...
President Donald Trump Defense Arguments Senate Impeachment Trial Day 11

Video Playlist: Closing arguments | Senate Impeachment Trial Day 11

House managers and the president’s legal team are each delivering their closing arguments in the impeachment trial on Feb. 3, 2020 before senators began...

Dershowitz: Dems deliberately distorted my position on Senate floor

Professor Emeritus at Harvard Law School Alan Dershowitz, member of the president's defense team and author of 'Guilt by Accusation,' joins Chris Wallace on...
The Story with Martha MacCallum

Sen. Lee: We have to deal with articles of impeachment as they sent them...

Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee weighs in on impeachment trial, agreement on witnesses saying we have to deal with the articles of impeachment...

Senate rejects motion to call witnesses 51-49

Trump impeachment defense team member Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., shares her insights on the impeachment trial and recent witness vote where the Senate rejects...
Kim Strassel - The Wall Street Journal

Crying Wolf on Impeachment

The impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is coming down to one big question: Will Democrats, by crying wolf, drown out the more legitimate...

Video & Transcript: Jay Sekulow says House Managers have not proven their case

President Trump’s defense team member Jay Sekulow debates on witnesses for the Trump impeachment trial saying that House Managers have not proven their case...
Tucker Carlson on FOX

Nunes: President will be acquitted but impeachment push won’t end

Rep. Devin Nunes weighs in on the expected acquittal for the president, next steps in the impeachment trial and shares bad news, Dems will...
President Donald Trump Defense Arguments Senate Impeachment Trial Day 10

Video Playlist: Continued debate, vote for witnesses | Senate Impeachment Trial Day 10

During the Senate impeachment Trial Day 10, January 31, 2020 the Senate continues the impeachment trial of President Trump. U.S. lawmakers and impeachment managers...

Video and Transcript: Who is paying Rudy Giuliani? Jay Sekulow discusses ethics of conduct...

In the impeachment trial on Thursday, Democratic senators cited reports that President Donald Trump has not paid Rudy Giuliani for his work as his...

Schiff Ran AGAINST impeachment in 2000, 20 years later what changed?

Rep. Adam Schiff ran for Congress against impeachment and won his Congressional seat by attacking his GOP opponent, James Rogan, for fixating on the...