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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

Life Liberty & Levin | Fox News

Mark Levin says Democrats’ impeachment case is an embarrassment

In his opening statement, Mark Levin says Democrats' impeachment case is an embarrassment and discusses how the House impeachment managers have produced zero evidence...

Trump Defense Team says Democrats interfering in 2016 election

Fox America News Headquarters tell us that the Trump defense team has accused Democrats of interfering in 2016 election during the defense teams first...
Mike Purpura

YOU’VE BEEN LIED TO: President Trump Lawyer Says Democrats LIE All THE TIME

The best defense of President Trump comes from Trump's Counsel, Mike Purpura, during arguments in Day 4 of the Trump impeachment trial. Mike Purpura tears apart every single Democrat talking point piece by piece.
Tucker Carlson on FOX

Judge Jeanine: Clinton’s relationship with Harvey Weinstein

Justice' host Judge Jeanine Pirro on Tucker Carlson Tonight weighs in on Bill and Hillary Clinton's relationship with Harvey Weinstein. Watch the latest video...
House Arguments for Impeachment of President Donald Trump Senate Impeachment Trial Day 4

House Managers arguments for impeaching Trump | Senate Impeachment Trial Day 4

On January 24, 2020, House Managers in the Senate impeachment trial day 4 give arguments for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The White House...

Giuliani: I can’t sit by and watch my country be sold out by the...

Rudy Giuliani joins the 'Fox & Friends' live studio audience show to discuss the Trump impeachment trial and his investigation into the corrupt Joe...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Schiff has an agenda and he’s playing it out

Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Schiff has an agenda and he's playing it out and...

Biden’s Alledged financial corruption: Hunter just tip of the iceberg

American investigative journalist, novelist, author, and political consultant Peter Schweizer reveals new details on Joe and Hunter Biden’s alleged financial ‘corruption,’ whether or not...

The Ingraham Angle Breaking Fox News January 23, 2020

The Ingraham Angle cuts through the Washington chatter speaking Directly with unexpected voices and the actual people who are impacted by the news of...
House Arguments for Impeachment of President Donald Trump Senate Impeachment Trial Day 3

House Managers arguments for impeaching Trump| Senate Impeachment Trial Day 3

On January 23, 2020, House Managers in the Senate impeachment trial day 3 give arguments for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The White House...

Jason Chaffetz on impeachment: Dems just don’t want Trump to win in 2020

A discussion with Former Republican congressman and Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz on Impeachment. He responds to press coverage of the House impeachment mangers'...

Lindsey Graham calls for investigations into the Bidens ahead of Senate trial

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) responds to the first day of the House managers' opening arguments and calls for investigation of the Bidens.