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News on TheThinkingConservative.com includes important news from the United States and from around the world that affects the freedom of Americans and our pursuit of happiness.

North Koreans Are Starving For Kim Jong Un’s Nuclear Missiles

Amid name-calling between Pyongyang's Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump, North Korea has resumed missile testing as Kim's year-end deadline for the...
Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida

Saudi military student shooter assailed US as ‘nation of evil’

Miami (AFP) - A Saudi military student shooter reportedly condemned America as a "nation of evil" in an online manifesto prior to opening fire...

Russia probe report: The day of reckoning is here

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham previews the release of the DOJ report on FISA abuse and the origins of the Russia probe. Solomon...

Naomi Seibt and Her Journey to Climate Realism

(Video Above) Naomi Seibt, a popular YouTube streamer, speaks on her journey to climate realism, the state of science, and more during the United...
Ken Starr on the Brian Kilmeade Show

Ken Starr says Nancy Pelosi’s ‘abuse of power’ is shocking and Senate may have...

Starr appeared on "The Brian Kilmeade Show" on Fox News Radio to discuss the impeachment inquiry and said he was shocked by House Speaker Democrat from California Nancy...

Jonathan Turley’s Opening Statement: ‘This is wrong,’ being mad is no basis for impeachment

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University Law School, delivers his opening statement at the House Judiciary Committee's public impeachment hearing. I...
The White House Washington

White House Letter To Nadler: WH won’t participate in House Judiciary impeachment hearing

White House Letter To Nadler: Below is the letter from Pat A. Cipollone, Counsel to the President, written to New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler,...

Second Schiff staffer tied to Burisma-backed think tank: Report

Former Bush 43 senior adviser Brad Blakeman reacts to the news that a second Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) staffer has been linked to a...

Finally, Rep. Devin Nunes threatens to sue CNN, The Daily Beast

Rep. Lee Zeldin, House Foreign Affairs Committee, discusses the allegations by CNN and The Daily Beast that Rep. Devin Nunes worked with Ukraine to...
Life Liberty & Levin | Fox News

Levin on House impeachment: Democrats are up Schiff’s creek

Mark Levin analyzes the testimonies from the open hearings in the House impeachment inquiry and the fallout for Democrats in 2020. Watch the latest...

Did any impeachment witnesses offer proof that Trump committed a crime?

Nine witnesses testify in the second week of public impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill. Former Whitewater Independent Counsel Robert Ray reacts to the question,...
Victor Davis Hanson on public Impeachment hearings

Victor Davis Hanson: Public Impeachment hearings didn’t work to garner support

Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson shares his breakdown of the House's public impeachment hearings against Trump. Watch the latest video at foxnews.com